A Tapestry of Plants: Roses and Vines to Conceal a Privacy Fence
We’re winding down to some of the last shares from our former garden; I’ve just a handful more to sit down and type up (a bit challenging since my left hand/wrist is still in a cast) and then hopefully by then we will be in spring and designing our new garden.
One of the first things we did at our last place was build a fence so our chickens would be safe. However, there was one section of yard where we needed more privacy so we built on to the existing fence with lattice-like extension which gave us additional height. On the fence itself we stretched galvanized wire which was tightened on either side with turnbuckles, much like we did HERE for support. Most of these roses were put in spring of 2019 and these photos were taken in spring of 2021. I had a vision of planting a medley of roses and vines that would weave together a “tapestry” of color and texture. I thought it was so lovely and if I have any regrets it’s just that I wish I could have seen it mature before we left.
Our “Tapestry of Plants” included the following: Rosa ‘Ghislaine de Féligonde’, Rosa ‘Veilchenblau’, Wisteria frutescens, Clematis ‘Jackmanii’, Rosa “Fantin-Latour”, Rosa canina ‘Inermis’, Rosa ‘Ispahan’, Clematis ‘Duchess Of Albany’

Absolutely beautiful!! I love your selection of roses…they ramble and drape so charmingly. If I had a wood fence, I’d definitely want to soften it with plants too…I don’t care for the look of fences, I prefer hedges. But that’s not always practical for animals and privacy needs. Anyway….you turned your fence into a beautiful living wall!
Thank you Andrea! I don’t like the look of fences, either (unless it’s a picket fence.) If I were to do anything differently at that garden I would have planted evergreen hedges but I guess I don’t have to worry about it now.
What beautiful combinations! I’m trying to figure out what that white climber rose with the peach buds is, growing in front of the wisteria in the closeup picture? It’s such a heavenly pairing. It doesn’t look quite fluffy enough to be ghislaine?
You guessed it, Nora! It *is* Ghislaine
No kidding! I feel like everytime I see her, she’s puffed out and blowsy, not beautiful and open like that. I guess i’ll just have to try her and see
Hi, I’m late to seeing this post, but just wanted to say that I love how beautifully your living privacy screen turned out! I’m now even more excited about a similar project I’ve started in my own garden (growing roses over a mesh-covered split-rail fence).
Hi Christine! What a lovely surprise to see your comment today. Thank you for the kind note! Hope you get a lot of growth on your roses this spring. There is something so classic and lovely about roses on a split-rail fence!
Your photos are enchanting! I found Hedgerow rose a couple months ago and I can’t stop reading and admiring your roses… Your Fantin Latour looks beautiful. I have Comte De Chambord in a container… Actually all of my roses are in large containers as we live in a apartment, in the center of the city, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Could you please let me know if Fantin Latour has a lighter pink color than Comte or do they look the same to you? I am also thinking of adding Felicite Parmentier and Madame Hardy to my Collection…
Hello Christine! So glad to have you here and thank you so much for your kind words.
In my garden, Fantin-Latour is a bit of a paler pink than Comte de Chambord but both are equally lovely. Also, I think you will really enjoy Félicité Parmentier and Mme Hardy; they’re wonderful roses. In fact, I’d say Mme Hardy is one of my favorites overall. Happy Gardening!