
An Update…

rose petalsHello, hello! We’re back from our trip to North Carolina and gosh, my head is spinning. Thought it might be a good idea to update where we’re at as it’s been a little while since my last post. Speaking of which, I can’t begin to express enough how grateful I am for your kind comments. It means so much to me, really.

So! In a nutshell, Jesse and I drove to Asheville to find a place to live and discovered many surprising things, the first of which was how much we did not want to actually live in Asheville proper. Not because the city isn’t charming but it is definitely a City, capital C, and that totally freaked these two country mice out. We ended up a bit south of there and spent the whole time not seeing the sights, but driving around town with our realtor and sweating bullets in the loan office. We didn’t even have time to see the Biltmore! But we figured if this all works out, then we will be living in the area and can visit whenever we like so tra la la. Hang on, I feel as though I am downplaying this trip to NC and our house-hunting mission, not to mention this entire relocation and all the work that has gone into it. The best way to describe what we’re doing here can be summed up perfectly by Scotty from Star Trek when he says it’s like jumping out of a moving vehicle onto a bridge and into a shot glass. Or something to that effect.

Buying a house is stressful, and a lot can go wrong so I won’t say too much about the home we found just yet in case something goes awry. Plus, the whole experience feels very out-of-body for me. When Jesse came home from the grocery store today and told me excitedly “They’ve accepted our offer!” The only response I could think of in that crazy moment was “Did you remember to get milk for my tea?”

Cross fingers for us and I’ll be back soon with a post I’ve been promising for a while and must finally sit down and write: Propagating Roses from Cuttings. See? By saying this here I’m holding myself accountable to actually getting around to this one. 😉 Stay tuned!

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  1. You crack me with your ‘country mice’ and ‘did you get milk for my tea’ comments. I visited Biltmore years ago and I found I like the garden the best (no surprise there). I am not much of a tour person and listening to someone yammering on about this and that bores me to TEARS unless I am taking a class or writing something “important” than I will focus more on it. Vacation means to give your brain a break, don’t you think?

    Congrats on your house 🙂

    1. Haha, thank you! I’ve been saying a lot of crazy things since this all started. 😉
      And I’m just like you…I don’t usually like your typical “tour” but I can’t wait to see the gardens there. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the roses!

  2. Yay! Excited to read about propagating! I did it once and it didn’t go well for me 🙁 My husband and I moved up to PA from NC. We lived in New Bern, Havelock, and Elizabeth City. We moved a lot because we rented and my both my husband and I were active duty in the military. Lately we have been talking about NC and would actually consider moving there because of the cost of living. Congrats on the new place!

    1. New Bern was at the top of my list of places to live in NC!! We tried to make that one “work” but the commute to the various places my husband would need to be for his job made it impossible. Someday, maybe. 😉
      And I feel your pain about the propagating. My success rate was so random before and it was very discouraging. I hope that my technique will help you have better success. Thank you Mirjana! 🙂

  3. Oh wow! See what I miss by limiting my blog reading to the weekends. I totally understand how stressful this whole thing must be for you. Relocating far away is so hard. Glad you had a realtor to help you in your search and that things are moving in the right direction! Fingers crossed. Can’t wait to hear more. I am so excited for you. Your own house your own garden. Somewhere to put down some roots. And grow lots and lots and lots of roses! 🙂

    Sending good thoughts your way.

    Oh, and that photo at the top… love it!

    1. Thank you Anne! We’re very excited and I CAN’T WAIT to get my hands in the soil and start planting the garden. I know you know what that’s like! 😉

  4. Glad to hear about your trip to NC – congratulations on your new homestead! Hope all goes well with your transition. Looking forward to hearing more about your new garden as it unfolds!

  5. This is wonderful news Laurie! What a lovely area, Asheville. No doubt you’ll you’ll put your vast gardening skills to work and create your own little Biltmore. I hope you’ll take time to share it all on your blog! And I LOVE your photo here! You are soooooo talented, I wish you lived near me. Still waiting for my very first ever DA roses to arrive, any day now!

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