Lauren’s Grape Poppy Seeds (Papaver somniferum)
After a lot of hemming and hawing, I’ve decided to offer small seed collections from our garden for sale here on Hedgerow Rose. I had to come to terms with the fact that running a blog costs money (not to mention time, which, as they say, is also money). I don’t want to stop writing and sharing but I need to be smart and fund this site since I do not sell advertising or affiliate with any companies.
So, that being said, here is my first offering: seeds collected from the Lauren’s Grape poppies grown in our organic, open-pollinated garden. Yippee!
These poppies are a cinch to grow. Tips for cultivating will be included with each packet of seeds, along with a pretty photo card. If you’d like to purchase these seeds, scroll all the way down to the bottom and you’ll see an add to cart button to check out with Paypal.
I’ll have different seeds available soon and also, a post on the other types of Poppies I grew last spring: Russian Blue, so stand by for both. Thank you for your support! ♡
Click the Add to Cart button below to purchase a packet of seeds. Price is $2.00 for .5 grams of seeds + $3.50 flat-rate shipping within the U.S. (I’m sorry, but I can only ship these seeds within the United States at this time.) Seeds will begin shipping out week of December 8th.
How gorgeous are those photos? Will you be selling any of the prints of the Grape Poppies? They would look lovely next to my print of the Cosmos
Oh! Mayhaps I shall! Let me see what I can tinker about with and I’ll shoot you an email if I come up with something.
Very beautiful photos. I just grew Lauren’s Grape Poppies from seed this year. I live in zone 5, northeast Indiana. I’ve read how to save the seeds, but I don’t know what to do with the plants in the Fall. Do I cut them down to the ground, like a perennial, or pull them out completely, like an annual, and just grow new plants from seeds each year? They are growing in a 6 ft. diameter bed in which tulip bulbs are planted. My idea was to have the poppies come up after the tulips had died down, which is what happened, but I don’t know what to do in the Fall with the poppy plants. Thank you.
Hi Laura, thanks for being here! What I do with my poppies: First, I let the pods dry out so that the seeds can have time to ripen. Then, on a dry day, I snip off the pod and carefully put them in a container. In our climate, this is sometime in July. For seed storage, you can use a paper bag, but I like to use a glass, lidless container because I think the pods are pretty to look at. After that’s all done, I pull the plants from the ground and add them to my compost heap. Since Lauren’s Grape poppies are annuals, it’s OK to take the roots, too, but it can get messy so cutting at the base and letting the roots decompose underground is fine, too. Some gardeners like to leave their annual poppy plants in the garden as they’re dying back and let them reseed themselves. That’s OK, too! I personally like to save the seeds so I can sow them where I want them and also I think the dying foliage can look a bit raggedy. Happy gardening!