Willow Hurdles
It was only about 24 hours ago I learned that the beautiful, woven willow branch garden edgings were called “hurdles.” Until then I thought they were called, well, “willow branch garden edging.” At any rate, I have always loved the look of them, calling to mind English style cottage gardens with an exuberance of mingling flowers and herbs. My kind of garden. This winter I have been searching for the perfect (and affordable) willow hurdle to line our front walk and contain our bearded iris which like to attack our feet when walking past.
EDIT: As you can see from the photos above we did end up finding some willow hurdles. They have managed to keep the flowers from attacking people as they walk up the front sidewalk, although since this picture was taken I have done a large amount of cleanup and those mums have been replaced.
I didn’t know that they were called that either. AND I have been trying to find them too!
Haha, why am I not surprised by this?
Let me know if you find any others that you like…I’m still researching…