Growing ‘Erinnerung an Brod’ Hybrid Setigera Rose
Last year I purchased a banded rose, what I thought was ‘Souvenir d’Alphonse Lavallée’, a Hybrid Perpetual from France, 1884, with deep, dark red blossoms and repeat bloom. Excited and surprised by it’s vigorous growth (so much so that I had to move it into the garden last spring) I was even more thrilled when it bloomed: dark, purplish mauve blossoms with romantic, quartered form.
Something didn’t seem right, though. The color seemed “off”, not as red as it should have been, and the habit more lax than I expected. (Plus, SDAL is supposed to be thornless and this one was not.) Sure enough, soon after uploading a couple of photos to HMF, they were flagged as being “inaccurate.” After I got over my initial embarrassment, I was pleased to receive an education about rose mix-ups and how in this case, it’s seems nigh impossible to actually receive the real ‘Souvenir d’Alphonse Lavallée’; it is more often than not sold as ‘Erinnerung an Brod’ or ‘Souvenir du Docteur Jamain’ which is how I ended up with my rose. (If you’re curious, you can read more about this discussion on my comments page at HMF.)
Still, ‘Erinnerung an Brod’ is a gorgeous rose and not to be demeaned. Although not a repeat bloomer, this rose is proving to be vigorous and disease resistant. (I’ve seen pictures of ‘Erinnerung An Brod’ in a mature size and it can get very large so do as I say and not as I do and prepare for that if you decide to grow her.) Bred by Rudolf Geschwind who was no slouch in the hybridizing department, his roses are often sought by collectors. A win for me! Oh and by the by, I also have ‘Souvenir du Docteur Jamain’, so it will be interesting to see how it compares to ‘Erinnerung An Brod’ when it blooms. I love to solve a good mystery, don’t you?
Edit: It’s difficult to capture the color of this rose. If you click HERE, that will take you to some more images.
Beautiful rose! Love the colour.
Thanks Marian! I was having a heck of a time capturing the color on camera. In person, the coloring is even deeper/richer.
I’ve got both Souvenir du Doctor Jamain and Souvenir de Alphonse Lavalle, and they are definitely NOT the same. I’ve bought S. de Alphonse Lavalle at www. and absolutely no rose looks like it.
You’re welcome to mail me, so I can mail you back Pictures, Lotte
Hi Lotte! Thank you so much for your helpful input!
If you don’t mind sharing that photo here on your comment form (see an option to upload a JPEG next to “reply” below) it would be lovely as then everyone will be able to benefit from it.