Introducing ‘Julia Child’ Floribunda Rose
I thank my rose gardening pals on Twitter for introducing me to ‘Julia Child’ because I probably would have never bought it otherwise. After seeing photos and hearing her charms praised I thought this may be the answer to my yellow rose conundrum. So far, she has proven a justifiable purchase producing fluffy yellow roses immediately upon receipt (which never fails to amaze me–when a wispy rooted cutting suddenly blooms) and since being tucked into the garden has grown a tidy mound of new, glossy foliage. I read somewhere that Julia Child herself selected this rose because the color reminded her of egg yolks which I think is a very apt description of the color. As with all of my roses, especially nowadays, I have a “we’ll see” attitude but so far so good.
Edit: At the end of this post there was a post-script which when I woke up this morning and re-read realized it was all just a lot of bla-bla-bla blabbity-blahhh and removed it (in case you’re wondering where it went). Sometimes I really do talk too much.
It’s a beautiful rose for sure and on my list for next year (unless I happen upon a clearanced one this year). Also on my list is the Loretta Lynn Van Lear Rose – much like my Easy Does It Rose. I wanted more pink/peach/yellow roses this year but ended up with 3 dark pink/red roses – see what sale prices do to me?! :o)
I know! I’m the same way! Last winter I made a point to order a handful of yellow-apricot varieties because the roses seemed like they were all pink. Now we have a pretty decent mix but pink is still my favorite color in roses and in life.
I love this rose! Beautiful and amazingly easy to grow.
That’s good to know!
Glad to see that Julia made it safely to your garden… I hope she performs for you as she does for us with profusions of wonderful blooms all throughout the growing season!
She looks very happy in your garden. I purchased 3 this years and all are blooming but so far none have reached 3′. I will look for height increase next year! But the color is yummy and the flowers just keep coming.