
Growing ‘Colette’ Climbing Rose

In spring of 2021, before we made the decision to sell our home, I was still buying roses and Colette® climber (MEIroupis) was the very last of the “new” roses to be planted. It pains me–both my wallet and my heart–when I think about how many roses I planted in the past 11 years that I left behind in former gardens, and this is one of them. It only took the few short months that I became acquainted with Colette® for her to ascend to a favorites list. No, I’m not endorsing this rose because I feel like I’ve had enough experience with it to deem it worthwhile for a no-spray garden. Was it very healthy? Yes. Was it floriferous? Also, yes. Was it gorgeous? You bet your boots! Will these traits continue? Will it survive our cold winters? I have no idea.

But I do know that I thought this rose was just the most perfect little climber, so much so that it was one of the very first roses I reserved for our new home garden. Do you grow Colette®? I would love to hear what you think!

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  1. These are such pretty pictures of ‘Colette’…it’s really nice to hear that it did so well for you so soon after planting. I’m looking forward to seeing it in your allotment garden!

  2. So happy for you that it is growing so well, I’ve tried for 6 years, yes 6 to grow this rose. It would never grow over a few feet, and rarely flowered. I would shovel prune and try it in different places, but alas, no dice! It just doesn’t like my climate. I’m still grieving it, because I wanted to grow it so badly. Please continue to share your photos, I will enjoy it from your garden!

    1. That’s so interesting! Thank you for sharing your experiences with Colette. I’m sure it will also be helpful for others who also live in colder climates to know as they plan whether or not to add her to their gardens. So helpful! 🙂

  3. I grew this in my CA garden for years before I moved last year. It did really well. I sadly had to leave it behind (along with too many others…☹️ But I just ordered a new one) we will see how it does in central/south Texas. It’s a beautiful rose! Your pics are gorgeous!!!

    1. Ugh leaving your garden is just the worst feeling but I’m so excited for you that you get to start something new. It’s a fun adventure! thank you for sharing your experiences with Colette! 🙂

  4. I live in a zone 6 . This rose is one of the first to bloom, highly scented, the color is beautiful, she is long lasting and the vine is loaded with roses all summer. Roots are in the shade, vine is in full sun. I love this rose.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with Colette! She sounds like she is very happy in your garden. 🙂

  5. I planted Colette 3 years ago in my mom’s memory. Her name was Colette. I am in Virginia in zone 7a. She is climbing with my assistance on a white lattice in the garden. This climber has done very well. The spring bloom is huge and gorgeous. Now I have long thicker stems growing outward and I am not sure if they are suckers. I thought suckers came at the base of the plant but these are coming from the main stems. Can you help me?

    1. Hi Nancy…if you want to send me a photo you can use the contact form (see link at top of page.) 🙂
      From what you’re describing it sounds like you’re getting new, healthy growth for Colette. You might want to just give it a few weeks and see if it blooms as it should and then you’ll know for sure!

    1. Hi Summer, you might like to try this list of nurseries who say they carry Colette. I’m not sure who still has them at this time of the year but it would be worth checking 🙂