Growing Madame Anisette® Grandiflora Rose

One of the roses we brought with us from North Carolina and planted in our former garden was this one, Madame Anisette® (KORberonem) a Grandiflora rose from Kordes. It’s bittersweet looking at these photos since now that we’ve moved again I no longer grow her however this rose was such a success story. You see, right before we left our North Carolina home, you may recall that our garden there was under siege by an army of ruthless voles and Mme Anisette was literally eaten down to a little nub overnight. With nothing left to lose, I potted up what was left of the roots and brought her to Pennsylvania. Anyways, long story short, look at how much this rose has rebounded in barely 3 years! Even though she’s now being looked after by someone else I’m so happy that she’s in such a good place. The scent is amazing, by the way, if you like a licorice-like fragrance. When I used to waitress at an Italian restaurant ages ago we would make these delicious homemade Pizzelle cookies and this rose smells just like them. Do you grow Mme Anisette? How does she do for you?

Would you like to see a short video of this rose? Visit my personal Instagram HERE.
This rose has not been a success for me…it has the most awkward growth habit and blooms in HUGE candelabras that are so stiff and weird. I don’t have it planted in the best spot…it’s too shady and to small. I keep trying to prune and train this rose. After seeing your pictures, I think she’s better left to ramble around as she pleases. I will move her this spring and try again!
Thank you for sharing this, Andrea! I had the same issue with the growth and finally was just like OK clearly you can do what you want.
Let me know how you like it after you move it to it’s new location!