Unusual Pumpkins & Gourds for Autumn Displays
This collection of gourd-geous gourds is a visual feast. For a complete list of pumpkins and gourds grown at the Arboretum, see below.
It stopped raining just long enough for me to visit one of my favorite gardens, The Aboretum at Penn State, and enjoy their gorgeous autumn pumpkin and gourd displays. These gourds were grown at the Aboretum, of course; I recall a visit last July when they were still on their vines and being amazed at the size and scale of their planting schemes. There are some pretty unusual looking varieties, and the mix of colors and textures when they’re all grouped together is a visual feast and very inspiring. Those of you who have been following my posts for a little while already know that I kind of have a thing for pumpkins and it’s a dream of mine to someday have a HUGE pumpkin patch where I can indulge in planting all different colors, shapes, and sizes. How magical that would that be!
I think I’ve talked about these giant concrete bowls before, but I think they’re just fantastic. They are used prolifically around Penn State’s campus as well as in town and are changed up seasonally.
Look the textures of Mr Warty Pumpkin! In this mix: Cucurbita pepo ‘Knucklehead’ (pumpkin) and Lagenaria siceraria ‘Speckled Swan’ (bottle gourd)
I am particularly fond of this variety of pale orange pumpkin, aptly named: ‘Long Island Cheese.’ The color is even more astonishing in person.
Group gourds and pumpkins around a seasonal container of flowering annuals and perennials! Included in this mix: Cucurbita pepo ‘Moonshine’ (pumpkin) and Cucurbita pepo ‘Jarrahdale’ (pumpkin)
If I had the room, these green Cucurbita pepo ‘Jarrahdale’ pumpkins would definitely go in our garden for next year.
The picture doesn’t do these Cucurbita pepo ‘Red Kuri’ pumpkins justice. They are a very vibrant red-orange in person.
Who doesn’t love Cucurbita pepo ‘Turk’s Turban’ pumpkins? (upper left corner) Their unusual shape and coloring really punch up this display.
Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd)
Lagenaria siceraria ‘Dipper’ (bottle gourd)
Lagenaria siceraria ‘Speckled Swan’ (bottle gourd)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Prizewinner’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Dill’s Atlantic Giant’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Baby Bear’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Charisma PMR’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Racer’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Moonshine’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Jarrahdale’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Knuckle Head’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Blue Ballet’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Red Kuri’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Sunshine’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Turk’s Turban’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Harrowsmith Select’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Gremlins’ (pumpkin)
Cucurbita pepo ‘Long Island Cheese’ (pumpkin)
Have you ever seen the daisy gourd. It’s like no other gourd.n You can see a piture on our web site under gound seed varieties. These are all natural no painting, we just pick them the way you see them. I’m a seedsman and develope up new ornamentals. Thanks Larry Eckler
That is a fantastic gourd! I had never heard of it before, but what a beauty! Thank you Larry for sharing that with us!