Annuals & Perennials | Companion Plants Companion Plants: Dahlia and Fennel October 22, 2011September 16, 2016 4 Comments Foeniculum vulgare ‘purpureum’ Fennel and Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Email
Thanks! I’ve got files upon files that I will be sharing over the next few months. Something to keep me busy over the winter. ..and PS, this combo is so gorgeous it’s ridiculous. Those designers at PSU really know what they’re doing!
Oh my gosh .. how helpful is this!
Thanks! I’ve got files upon files that I will be sharing over the next few months. Something to keep me busy over the winter.
..and PS, this combo is so gorgeous it’s ridiculous. Those designers at PSU really know what they’re doing!
Finally an answer from my question , ” What do I planted with my fennel?”
Yay! Your comment made me smile.