Last weekend…
Hello lovelies. I might be too sleepy to make any coherent sense this morning for which I blame Lucy. She is super snuggly and peaceful during the day but at night she transforms into a furry gremlin and keeps us up all night with her shenanigans. (Not Pepper, though, who stays unmoving at the foot of our bed like a kitty lump.) Last weekend was so nice, and proved once again how relative time is since it seems like a minute ago it was Friday. Gosh. Saturday was one of those days where you can’t help but exclaim how beautiful the weather is, and it really was. We spent the majority of the day looking for excuses to be outdoors which mostly involved yard cleanup from last week’s doozy of a storm but finally Jesse put his foot down and said, “We’re not Pilgrims.” Point taken, we went out to have a little fun. Here are some snaps from over the weekend:
Visiting the duck pond at PSU is one of my favorite outings. They’re incredibly tame since they get so many visitors. I would love, love to have a pond this big in our garden someday.
The roses are in full swing. In the four years we’ve lived in our home, I’ve never seen the garden look so beautiful. I can’t stop taking photos of everything because even in the midst of all this abundance I feel autumn lurking and I want to push it back any way I can. Truthfully, I have more photos now than I know what to do with and I’ve overwhelmed myself again even though I swore I would be better organized. Oh bother. Anyways, these photos are just a sampling. Prepare yourself for the veritable rose deluge that will begin soon!
Take a good look at this little guy because he, and all his cousins, may be the reason we do not have any hollyhocks or lilies this year. The roses are getting eaten, too. In fact, one baby rose was eaten all the way down to a nub. For such wee things they can sure devastate a garden quickly! Liquid Fence (spray) has not worked. We’re trying the granules next. I’ve always loved rabbits, still do, but now I understand how frustrating it can be when they target your garden. I feel like grumpy Farmer McGregor over here.
Have you seen the Elizabeth 1 miniseries? The rings (and earrings!) Helen Mirren wore throughout were FANTASTIC. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them and had to make this sparkly little number last Friday.
Beautiful photographs!!! Your roses look amazing. Such pretty colours! I haven’t been to my allotment garden yet, but looking forward to visit. Hopefully there will be some roses in bloom in my garden as well. Love the last photo. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the series yet.
Have a good week!
Madelief x
Thank you Madelief! I think you would like the series…even if only for the costumes and jewelry.
Hope you have a great week, too!
Awesome blog! Thanks for sharing so many photos. I wanted to ask what you have growing with Fantin Latour? I’m thinking about getting that rose for next year and also was wondering how tall it is in your garden?
Thank you Cole! Our ‘Fantin Latour’ is growing in a very large container and the rose you see behind it–although not labeled when we purchased–I’m pretty sure is a Flower Carpet Pink Supreme. Wasn’t sure which rose you were referring to as far as height goes, but Fantin gets to about 6′ tall and the Pink Supreme rose we are growing against the trellis like a climber. You can see more photos of it HERE Good luck!
Lovely photos – don’t you love June? Oh Lucy! I hope you can resolve her nocturnal issues. Sometimes our dog Honey wakes us up with her very loud dreams! Thanks for the tip on the miniseries….I love all things Elizabeth I.
We’ve shut the door to the kitties these past two nights and agree it’s the best sleep we’ve gotten in months! By the way, have I told you how much I love the name Honey for your dog? So cute.
And oh yes, if you love Elizabeth I things, then have you read I, Elizabeth by Rosalind Miles? Loved it. Here’s the link
Thank you for the tip on the novel! I will definitely give that one a try. I hope the kitties don’t have too much trouble adjusting to their new sleeping arrangements! About Honey – thank you! She’s the colour of honey and she is a honey :).
Ricki Jill from Art @ Home mentioned your blog so I popped over for a visit. I love your photos – especially the one with all the types of roses on it. I may have to try something similar because it is so inspiring.
I wanted to let you know the most effective anti-pest remedy I have found (used against a skunk that was digging up our backyard and trying to nest under our stairs) was cayenne pepper. You have to re-sprinkle it if it rains, but it really seems to stop them in their tracks. I even find black pepper helps. It isn’t good to use if you have pets though as they may not be as wary about walking in it as a wild animal.
Hi Grace, welcome! Thank you for your kind words and cayenne pepper tip!