April flowers and other random bits
Spring arrived last week, in the form of blue skies and copious amounts of warm sunshine. And then it said, “Just kidding!” and it returned to winter. Did you get snow and were you also wondering if we somehow ended up in Winterfell? These weather fluctuations are the new normal, I suppose. Once again, we moved several of the container roses in and out of the the garage to protect them from the severe frosts. It’s a real pain in the arse, if you don’t mind me saying. Getting stuck with thorns doesn’t bother me much but Jesse had a look of death on his face when I saw him literally get pinned between two ramblers this morning. I knew that would be the last time I could ask him to help me move them for the sake of our marriage. Oh, the things we do for our roses!
Some spring flowers did manage to survive the chill: Fritillaria, Pulmonaria, Muscari, Hyacinth, Narcissus and the like. The usual suspects for April. The tulips are next in line to bloom and I’m once again reminded that I really should plant more bulbs in autumn.
Some random bits: I have two absolutely delightful garden shows for you to take a gander at. This one: The Great Gardens of England and this one: Secret Gardens of England Yes, yes, I’m an anglophile but that’s beside the point. I promise these are simply very enjoyable shows for the keen gardener! Enjoy!
I love, love, love those Narcissus. I posted about some last year, just couldn’t get enough:
So beautiful with the Fritillaria. And thanks for reminding me to plant more bulbs this fall:)
Hi Celia, welcome! Nope you can never have too many flowering bulbs!