Farewell to August
Some of the last roses of summer brought into the home: ‘Comte de Chambord’ on the left and ‘Abraham Darby, ‘Marchesa Boccella’ and ‘Madame Ernest Calvat’ on the right
Friends, I’ve missed you! But such is the way as summer winds to a close and we ready for the return to to school and regimented schedules with less time for the garden. As I say farewell to August, I am filled with mixed feelings: On the one hand, the garden was at the peak of abundance and hot afternoons were spent plucking ripened tomatoes (homemade salsa every other day), watching butterflies, goldfinches and all manner of bees busying themselves amongst the blooms and taking long walks in the cool of the evening with my husband and Eva. I’ll be sad to see that go.
On the other, there were low points: strong storm winds stomping the garden so flat as though from the footsteps of a giant, innumerable pests from last winter’s mild temps (if I have to squish one more sawfly larvae I might go mad), fighting what feels like a losing battle to bindweed and groundivy, and roses that proved to be a disappointment.
August can make a gardener start to look forward to fall. Am I right? And September is glorious here in Pennsylvania. The light is never more golden, we are free from the oppressive humidity, the asters, anemones, mums and last of the roses shimmer like jewels amongst the backdrop of the changing leaves. And I begin to dream, already, of next spring and a fresh start.
See you in September….
By the by, if you, too, are imagining and planning next year’s garden, you might like to know that Heirloom Roses is offering a 25% discount by entering the code: ROSE at checkout. I think it’s good until August 30.
A lovely blog post to celebrate the ending of summer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos along the way!
Thank you Louise. I’m so grateful for your visit!
Oh! Such a good bunny shot. Nicely done!
Thank you Ema!
Im not looking forward to fall because after fall comes winter… I used to love winter… but when fall comes it means the year is coming to an end and that means I am getting older and another year to add on to a 7 year long relationship (7 years this year) and no hints on marriage… Summer went to fast, my daughter just started kindergarden
but she said to me this morning when I asked her if she will be fine walking up to the school by herself ‘Mommy I will always be your baby but Im almost a big girl now’
Aww, that’s so sweet. Ours is turning 16 in a couple of weeks and I can’t believe it. I know this sounds cliché but they really do grow up so fast; enjoy every moment!
Such a beautiful post!
Thanks Mom!