These days
These days it’s hard to not feel glum sometimes. The state of the world–my goodness. Blach. Your run-of-the-mill family worries. Raising a teenager. And last night I went to bed plagued with concern about a missing package to a customer and the unfortunate changes over on Etsy. Enough! There is a lot to be happy about and boy, don’t I know it. Here are some little things that put a smile on my face just thinking about them:
Thinking about the pals I’ve made all over the world through my work and this blog. When I quit my job, sold our car and moved to a new city 4 years ago, I suddenly became a hermit. Their daily, friendly lifelines mean the world to me.
The fact that in spite of the rose midge (which I continue to battle) there are roses still blooming. Plus, looking on the bright side, Jesse and I have decided that I need a greenhouse this winter to grow more annuals in place of the roses we’re losing. See, silver lining!
And yeah, sure there are pests still roaming free in the garden but then again, we found 3 hornworms being eaten by parastic wasps in the tomato garden and just yesterday I saw a beautiful warbler nibbling a caterpillar in one of the rose gardens. Beneficials at work! It will all balance out in the end.
This fantastic September light. The fresh tomato salsa I’ve been making and canning gallons of for winter. My furry babies who keep me company all day. Window shopping for vintage Christmas decorations. Wallpapering the dining room in a pretty rosy print because, why not? Red nail polish and a new/vintage handbag. Thoughts of Autumn. Pumpkins ripening on the vine.
What are you feeling happy about these days?
Your kitties look like they’re holding paws! I see many happy things here and I am so glad the roses are blooming!
Thank you Jessica! Indeed, they are holding paws.
Dear Hedgerowrose,
Your photo’s look magnificent! Wish the roses in my garden looked as pretty as yours. Love the posie on the last photo!
Madelief x
Thank you Madelief! I think your garden is pretty amazing too! (psst, check out Madelief’s blog!)
Hear, hear! It is so easy to get lost in the frownies! You are right – enough!
I also, am so looking forward to the delights of fall! This morning I am in a sweater – yay! It’s starting!
We had sweltering heat the past few days but it broke, thankfully, and now it feels very autumn-y again. I wish fall lasted a little bit longer because I so enjoy it!