Dark Florals
Last summer was all about experimentation with the way I photograph the garden in a way that felt more meaningful to me while conveying the emotion certain flowers inspire. I’ve become bored with the straight-forward way to document the garden that I was using in the past–it seemed so impersonal and unoriginal. One can only look at so many photos of flower faces before you’re like, OK I get it, move on.
And then, of course, there was the issue of our rose midge, which has not made a single step towards improvement, I am sorry to say. Blossoms were sparse, excepting June when the Old Garden Roses take center stage and don’t give a flying fig about midge or anything else for that matter because they are that b-a. I had to make the most of what we got so if there was a cluster of roses blooming they were sacrificed for the greater good, i.e. my flower collages, which you’ll see a lot more of in future posts but if you follow me on IG you’ve already had a sneak peek.
A few weeks ago, I started to think Autumny thoughts, and my bright and colorful arrangements felt less appealing. I was dreaming of cold, star-filled nights with fireplaces crackling, a good book, a snuggly pet and a cup of homemade hot chocolate at hand. Here in PA, October sees the most beautiful dark days: storm-filled charcoal grey skies gilded by the leaves of the maples, oaks and larches. The textures and colors in the garden take on a poignancy unlike that of midsummer and each blossom and berry feels precious.
I hope I have conveyed a bit of that melancholy beauty only seen in autumn with these “dark florals” arrangements, and for the gardener in me, it’s a neat way to document what flowers are actually still blooming this late in the season. Do you recognize the snapdragons I grew last summer? Of course they are still going strong but so are heirloom French carnations I can’t wait to tell you about. If you love scented flowers that is a collection you’ll want to get your paws on.
Today the weather is positively effervescent and with the windows open I can smell the scent of a freshly mown lawn and hear the sound of wrens warbling in the trees. It’s the kind of day where I feel almost guilty for not digging or planting or pruning but to be frank I am looking forward to more dark and rainy days, to embrace my inner Jane Eyre, and enjoy the quiet beauty.
(By the way, I would be a very remiss business owner if I failed to mention that these photos are for sale in my shop as a stretched canvas print! If you click on the photo, it will take you directly to the page where they can be purchased. OK, end of self-promotion.)
These are all so lovely, Laurie!
Thanks Anne!
I love the mood you’ve portrayed in this post! (Although, to be honest, I’ve always enjoyed your photos of flower faces
Hi Louise! So nice to see you here again. Thank you for the kind words…and I do have lots and lots of photos for the upcoming posts of just flower faces.
I am so glad you have posted this new way to look at flowers, and captured autumn so perfectly.
Thanks Mom!
Love this post! Found you on IG…I also go through phases of wanting all light and pretty photos then all dark deep and moody ones. I love how you conveyed that too:) I just love all you flower pics!
Thank you Lisa, that is so kind! Glad you are enjoying the photos!