Welcome to Hedgerow Rose®

meet Laurie & learn more about Hedgerow rose®


Hedgerow Rose began in 2010 and since then has evolved quite a bit. It began when I realized that my (now long gone) personal blog, which was supposed to be documenting the behind-the-scenes of my jewelry business, was becoming more and more about my garden. I needed a dedicated place to put my flowers; a virtual garden, if you will.

The Hedgerow Rose blog now has close to 500 original posts, the majority of which focus on roses. My jewelry shop, which was once being housed in two separate places: Etsy and Big Cartel, is now here under the Hedgerow Rose umbrella. If you’d like to learn more about this space, keep scrolling, but if you’re simply here for the roses, be sure to check out my ROSES 101 page to help you get started.

Why did I choose the name, “Hedgerow Rose?” Because I am particularly fond of species type and roses that have run wild. The rose in the hedgerow is the one that grows in spite of being forgotten or neglected, blooms without constraints, provides pollen for bees, hips and cover for birds and is a safe haven for animals. It’s perfect in its simple beauty. It endures and thrives. It’s the backdrop of fairy tales and true romance.

I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.

~ William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act II Scene II


As of October, 2021 we are in a new home and designing two new gardens: Our home garden and our allotment in town. Although I am continuing to take a break from blogging, you can see updates from this new garden on my Instagram: @HedgerowRose and @HedgerowHome. To learn more about the previous gardens featured on this blog, see below.

Timeline of previous gardens…


Although I have been a gardener since I was 8 years old, I didn’t start writing about it until 2010 when this blog began. From summer of 2010 to spring 2015, me, my husband Jesse and our daughter Madison were living in central Pennsylvania, zone 6, and all the posts from that time frame will reflect that former garden. We were renting a tiny house in town where I grew lots of roses in containers and we spent more money than we should have on a garden that wasn’t ours. However, it was a great learning experience and it’s where this blog began so I have a real soft spot for that rental garden.


In April of 2015, we relocated to western North Carolina, zone 7 and bought our own home. We spent the next 3.5 years, nose to the grindstone, doing all the renovating and landscaping ourselves. It was during this time that I became a jurist for the Biltmore International Rose Trials, an ARS Consulting Rosarian, VP of the Asheville Blue Ridge Rose Society, a brand new beekeeper and added chickens to our family of pets. The posts from May 2015 – October 2018 are less frequent due in no small part to my total exhaustion but will reflect our adventures living in North Carolina. In October 2018, we sold our North Carolina home and moved back up to Pennsylvania.


From late 2018-2021, following our move back to Pennsylvania, this blog became very quiet as our energy was spent on renovating and designing the new garden. We created something incredibly useful to pollinators while still including all my roses. Like previous gardens, it was a learning curve but by the end I felt it was very successful as it was continuously filled with all manner of bees, birds, butterflies and even a family of friendly bunnies. From this period most of our garden updates can be seen on my three Instagram accounts: @hedgerowrose  @hedgerowhome and @hedgerowhens.



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Random facts about me…

INFJ | Ravenclaw | Lawful Good | Sagittarius | Enneagram 4 | Highly Sensitive Person | She/Her | Vegetarian

Partner to Jesse and mother to Madison. I like to play guitar, piano and sing and I love to read; my favorite author is James Herriot. Former elementary teacher, currently jewelry artist & photographer. I’m a total homebody and I really don’t like to travel but I’m also a massive Anglophile and I’d love to live in the U.K. someday. My favorite movie is Sense & Sensibility (1995.) I love old: houses, books, jewelry and cats!
