Hintz Family Alumni Center Gardens at Penn State
Mamma mallard and her ducklings cross the campus at Penn State University.
Last Sunday my husband and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! Since we were married on campus in Pennsylvania State University’s Eisenhower Chapel, we thought it would be nice to spend the morning walking the beautiful paths and enjoying the gardens as we did one year ago. We stayed the longest in the garden at the Hintz Family Alumni Center partly because everything was in bloom and it was so lovely, but mostly because it was filled with ducks and baby bunnies. Ducks and baby bunnies! As we were sitting by the pond watching the koi and turtle swim lazily about, my husband said, “This garden beats the pants off the Arboretum.” (And I know what he means, although give the Arboretum a few more years to get established and it’s going to be insane.) Something I love about Penn State’s University Park campus is the diversity of plant life, how well cared for their trees are, and their beautiful gardens; the Hintz Family Alumni Center being especially nice. Enjoy the slideshow!
What beautiful photos. Happy Anniversary! My wife and I have been married for 26 years. I can tell you, the best it yet to come!
Congratulations on 26 years! That’s amazing.