Hello again
And so we meet again! Thank you all once more for your lovely comments on my taking a break post. Last summer I would pop back into this space from time to time, tinker with the design a bit and sort of tease out whether I felt like writing again. Seeing the same posts over and over on the homepage got really old really fast. I needed to return at the very least so I could bump them off with something new!
This site looks a little different now, and there are still some kinks to work out since I switched from Thesis to Genesis and am still learning the ropes. I wrote a Roses 101 page, something that was long-overdue I think, for readers who are new to the site and need answers quickly and wrote a short background about me. Please bear with me as I fine-tune a few more details over the coming weeks.
I can’t wait to share last season’s successes and failures in the garden with you. While we still had problems with rose midge (the epically cold winter did nothing to slow them down) I made the most of what we got as far as blooms go and really enjoyed some new-to-me annuals. The way I photograph the garden was the focus of my energy since I wasn’t writing, which was really awesome, actually, to be able to take that time. I took a self-portrait class (which I haven’t finished yet, oops) and explored the functions on my camera a little more. I spent some time observing what does well where, which I’ll share, and there were also one or two fun projects that I documented and will be posting about soonish. So! Lots to come as we head into the autumn months. If there is something in particular you want to see more of, please let me know. (In the meantime, you can keep up to date by following HR on Instagram.) It’s good to be back!
It is wonderful to have you back, this is my favorite blog!
Thank you for sticking with me from the beginning!
Welcome Back!!
Thank you for your kind comment on IG, too!
SO happy to see you writing again, and your website looks beautiful!
Hooray! Thank you for all your help!
Wonderful to have you back, Laurie! Your revamped site looks great. Looking forward to all you have in store for us in the coming months!
Thank you Anne! It nice to be back!
So lovely to have you back. Looking forward to reading about your recent garden adventures.
Thank you Louise, I appreciate it!
Hello Laurie, so glad that you are back!
Since you are asking I would like to learn more about what can grow in the shade besides hostas and pesky ivy. My dad is visiting me from France and we are taking the shovel to the garden, eliminating a lot of “stupid” shrubs and making room for more interesting things. I wonder how I will fill up all that new space, a good problem to have : ) I love the new design, and am still along for the ride wherever you take us!
Hooray! OK, I’ll keep this suggestion in mind, thank you! I have a few plants I like for shadier spots that I think I already told you about but I might have a few more up my sleeve. Did I already suggest Pulmonaria and Brunnera?
no actually, but my dad suggested pulsatilla today… sounds almost the same haha!
thanks for letting me know : )
Ooh yes, great suggestion! Also, Hellebores…