And in Other News…
Some random bits…
1. This week I sent off what can only be described as a “press kit” to Etsy headquarters. I was asked to participate in their upcoming wedding event “To Have and to Hold” and while my spot isn’t guaranteed, I can honestly say I am truly happy just to be asked. I sent out 1,000 discount cards for attendees just in case my ring is selected.
2. I discovered that there is a pair of Northern Flickers making a nest in our “evergreen” maple tree about 50 feet up in a small cavity. This pleases me enormously.
3. I made a couple of new rings, and I have more to come next week. It feels good to start working again. Yeehaw!
4. Trying not to let the cold snap which has killed the tender new foliage on so many of my roses (primarily the Austins) and all of my Asiatic lilies get me down. We had a gorgeous thunderstorm last night (that’s the remains on the leaves of ‘Fantin Latour’) and I’m appreciative that hey, at least it’s spring.
5. And speaking of spring and colder weather, the sweet peas are happy. They’re sprouting up marvelously. In fact, I tangled my pony tail in the thorny branches of ‘Georges Vibert’ trying to take a picture of them and I was genuinely stuck for a panicky few minutes. My husband is always laughing at the hijinks I get into in the garden. He says, “Lucyyyyy, you’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do!”
5. We’re all just staying cozy, like Jasper is in that picture. I couldn’t get rid of that old Salvation Army chair if I tried.
no. 1 is so exciting and very well deserved!
What, you mean that the 1,000 picture I’ve taken of Jasper sleeping isn’t exciting? Hahaha, just kidding.
Thank you so much, Jessica. I was really surprised to even be asked. Truly grateful.