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  1. Yay! You are back! Thank you for posting pictures of your beautiful roses. I have a small variety of Austin roses on my little porch at our apts we live at now. If it weren’t for your site, and all the tips you share on growing roses, I wouldn’t have them. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! That makes me so happy that you were able to find some inspiration from this little blog. Yay! 🙂

  2. So beautiful. You make me miss all my Austins. Those flowers… The Crocus Rose never really caught my attention because it wasn’t fragrant enough, but looking at photographs that doesn’t matter. 🙂

    Thanks for the rose fix!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them, Anne!

      It’s funny b/c I never was really drawn to the Crocus Rose, either, until these photos were taken. Up until then, the shrubs I had seen were very spindly and blackspotty. These looked amazing, though!

  3. These photos are great- I also heard this rose was very susceptible to black spot. Not hardy enough for Wisconsin winters.

    1. Cole, have you tried Grüss an Aachen? The flowers look very similar (to me, at least) to Crocus Rose and it’s supposed to be hardy to 4. Full disclosure: our GAA did not survive the surface-of-Mars cold winter we had recently, but it was also out in the open, unprotected and exposed to the winds, too.

      And thank you, by the way, for stopping! Always appreciate your insight.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion – I will check out Gruss an Aachen – hopefully this winter won’t be as bad as last winter!

  5. silly little question, On the picture above how many plants to you have? one or more?
    I have a Crocus, second year, in front of my house and I wonder if it will get as big as yours…

    1. Not a silly question! These photos were taken at the PSU Arboretum and if I remember correctly, they were planted in groups of 3’s.

  6. Oh, how lovely! Every time I see a rose, I think, “Nothing could beat that [____].” In this case, it’s, “That delicate creamy white with a faint blush of apricot at the center.” And then I see another rose in a different color and think the same thing. Glad to see you back!

  7. I been reading your blog for a long time and Im glad that your back. Ilove all your roses and I love your blog and reading it every night .God bless ..

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