
A most treasured rose…

Arcata Pink Globe 1 via Hedgerow Rose

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I’ve been downsizing considerably and have been trying to find homes for what’s left of our container roses. This is a a big deal, well, for lots of reasons, but mainly when I consider about how many I once had growing in containers, alone. I think the tally was somewhere around 65 roses in pots!

Arcata Pink Globe 2 via Hedgerow Rose

I was even referred to once, by a total stranger, as “that lady with all the plants in the driveway” and afterwards started to feel a bit self-conscious. Probably because of that, and the fact our seasons are so weird with late snows occurring in April, it just became unrealistic to keep so many in containers–all that moving back and forth into the garage for cold protection–and that’s when they started going in the ground.

Arcata Pink Globe 3 via Hedgerow Rose

But we ran out of room, and steam, for digging holes in the yard and I had about 8 container roses left that needed homes. I thought it would be a piece of cake giving these away but it was getting to the point where I literally felt like I was begging people to take them. What the heck? At any rate, 4 more have been claimed and that leaves me with 1 left–the one I just couldn’t bear to part with. Can you guess which?

Arcata Pink Globe 4 via Hedgerow Rose

If you guessed “Arcata Pink Globe”, you’re right! I treasure this rose for so many reasons. First, there is the sentimental value. Then, of course, there’s the fact this rose is hard to come by now that Vintage closed–it’s not like I can easily get another like the David Austin roses I gave away. And then there are the traits you want in a rose, or any plant for that matter. Totally disease free. Robust growth. (The size of mine is kept in check because it is still in a container but I could see this reaching gargantuan proportions if left in ground.) A lovely, arching habit with pretty foliage in autumn. Those things are all very well and good, but at the end of the day I grow roses for the flowers and Arcata Pink Globe does not disappoint!

Arcata Pink Globe 5 via Hedgerow Rose

I mean, really, look at this. How beautiful are these blossoms?

Arcata Pink Globe 6 via Hedgerow Rose Arcata Pink Globe 7 via Hedgerow Rose Arcata Pink Globe 8 via Hedgerow Rose

Seriously beautiful!

Arcata Pink Globe and Baltimore Belle Hybrid Setigera Roses Arcata Pink Globe and Baltimore Belle side by side

Last spring my Baltimore Belle bloomed for the first time, too, which gave me a chance to finally compare her blossoms with APG. In our garden, they are similar but BB’s flowers lean more towards white. They look pretty side-by-side, don’t they? Their habit seems very similar, too, but I’m still new to growing BB so time will tell. (I like her, though. Like Mme Plantier, she doesn’t seem to mind being in a shadier spot.)


I’m hoping that next year I can propagate several cuttings from this rose to share with others. (In point of fact, I thought I was able to root a cutting last summer but I think that I mislabeled it. That one shall remain a mystery until it blooms.) Sometimes I daydream about doing something more with plants besides just writing about them and taking pictures. Recently someone said to me some very wise words: “When a lot of people keep telling you the same thing you should be doing, that’s what you should be doing.” Well I suppose I’ll mull over that one and leave you with this last photo, and a question: Do you have a special rose in your garden you simply could never part with?

Arcata Pink Globe at sunset

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  1. A lovely post, Laurie. Just perfect for me today, as the ground outside is covered in snow, with more coming down. Looking at your beautiful pink roses has lifted my spirit. So, thank you! And thanks for the very nice comment on my blog. xxx ~ Nancy

  2. Beautiful rose! I haven’t heard of this one before – so many treasures from Vintage. I wish I had discovered Vintage Gardens earlier before they closed. I’m still a freshman rosarian, but so far my favorite roses are Madame Hardy (from Vintage) and Baroness Rothschild (from Rogue Valley).

    1. Mme Hardy is one of my favorites, too! I’ve never grown Baroness Rothschild but the photos of her look so pretty. How is the disease resistance?

      I discovered Vintage kind of late in the game, as well. Bummer. The good news is the Friends of Vintage Roses are preserving the collection, and I’ve found that many rose gardeners are generous with their stock and are willing to trade cuttings. So…there’s always hope that the rare rose you may someday be looking for can still be found. That’s what I keep telling myself, at least! 🙂

  3. Lovely!

    And I’d agree to that advice to a point. As long as it is also something that you yearn to do as well. Although if your “should be doing” is rose-related… there’s probably no question!

    I wish I did have a rose I couldn’t bear to part with. Eventually.

    1. Golly, I think getting to work with roses as a career would feel less like work and more like play!

      And I just know your new garden will be filled up with beautiful roses in no time. 🙂

  4. I received Baronness Rothschild this year as bands and had them potted through the summer and planted them in fall. Can’t really comment yet on disease resistance yet – we’ll see!

  5. All I can say its good I didn’t realize you had to re-home some of your roses cause I would be justifying a long road trip to come get them. 🙂 O’m glad you are keeping that one how gorgeous.