
The Hendersonville, NC Garden Jubilee

Classic Pink Geranium-Pelargonium

Hello friends! Did you have a nice Memorial Weekend? First, I wanted to say THANK YOU so, so much to those of you who shopped my sale. I am very lucky to have such wonderful customers and your support keeps this space going. 🙂

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We had a lovely weekend. Jesse travels A LOT for his new job so it was great to have him home and be able to explore the area together. (It’s not as much fun on your own. 😉 ) We were so excited to visit the Hendersonville Garden Jubilee on their historic Main Street; We liked it so much we went both days! Sipping a cup of fresh roasted coffee and looking at plants on a gorgeous, sunny morning…is there anything better than that?

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There were over 200 vendors selling all manner of plants as well as garden art, birdhouses and the like. I was snapping photos with my phone as best I could but I always feel a bit weird taking pictures of items for sale as they may get the wrong idea. I couldn’t help sneaking a photo of this adorable toadstool though. Although I tend to stay away from garden-y gee-gaws, I thought this would be so cute in a child’s garden, don’t you think?

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Of course, there were plants…and lots of them. Plenty of herbs, perennials, shrubs and annuals to be found. Some vendors, like this one, were more crowded than others. There was a fight to the finish for their collection of Buddleia! It was fun seeing what other shoppers were purchasing and clearly I was unprepared as most were pulling wagons behind them. Smart!

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I did manage to pick up a few plants for myself, like the Pelargonium seen up top, but there were many that “got away” like this ridiculously beautiful Digitalis…

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…and this miniature shrub rose ‘Diamond Eyes’ (kicking myself for not getting this before it was snagged by another shopper.) Does this rose remind you of ‘Night Owl’ ? It’s the pollen parent!

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There were plants that are now on my radar like this Campion ‘Rolly’s Favorite’…

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…and plants that were new to me and not labeled like this one. I’m thinking it’s some kind of Tibouchina? Does that sound right?

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There was much to look at and these pictures just do not do it justice. Everyone was so friendly and helpful and I definitely felt like I was among “my people” with all those other gardeners. I think it would be so neat to set up shop there. If you’d like to learn more about the Hendersonville Garden Jubilee click HERE. Have a great week!

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  1. How beautiful!! Gardeners are so kind. I was snapping pictures of a person’s poppies that we saw on our walk, and he came out of the house to talk to me, In the mean time Del kept walking thinking perhaps I shouldn’t be disturbing the neighbors. He didn’t know gardeners love to share. So happy it felt like your people!

    1. That is so true–I’ve yet to meet a gardener who wasn’t generous with advice…and plants! (PS don’t blame you one bit for wanting pics of some beautiful poppies!)

  2. I am glad you had fun, even if you did miss out on that great rose. The local walmart was having an insanely good deal on some magic carpet spirea and I had a women pick up the plants I was comparing on the ground. She did let me have one, so nice of her…
    But! today I found some Astrantias and toad lilies so it’s a win after all.

    Can wait to see how your roses are fairing, I transplanted one this weekend and even though I had all the roots it wilted enough that I felt like it needed a haircut. It’s fine now but I did loose a lot of new shoots, plus it’s crown princess Margareta so it hurt a bit ; )

    keep posting the newness is palpitating!


    1. Oh my gosh I can’t believe someone took the plants you were looking at right from under you. That’s so bizarre! Sounds like the Astrantia and toad lilies made up for it, though. 😉
      I hope you don’t lose CPM. She’s such a pretty one!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun and so many pretty plants! Glad you were able to take some time to enjoy yourselves together.

  4. Wow, the Hendersonville Garden Jubilee sounds like such a blast! 🌸 I love exploring local events like these, and it’s awesome that you went both days – must have been that good! 😊 The toadstool is adorable, perfect for a child’s garden. 🍄 Your pictures captured the vibrant atmosphere, but I bet it was even better in person. Did you end up setting up shop? That could be such a cool experience! 💐 Looking forward to more of your gardening adventures! 🌿

    1. Hello and welcome! So appreciative of your thoughtful note. 🙂 No, we never set up shop because we ended up moving back to Pennsylvania not long after. But our time in Hendersonville was such a fun adventure and we’re really glad we had that brief time there!

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