
A Magenta Spring-Flowering Clematis


This mid-spring blooming magenta clematis boasting blooms approximately 4 inches across with 8-9 overlapping petals was purchased for $1 in the Sad Plant Section of Lowes a couple of years ago. Barely a twig when I brought it home, it’s finally flourishing and blooming. Initially, I guessed it was ‘Pink Champagne’ (syn: ‘Keiko’) but the blossoms seem too small with too many petals. So, I’m back to square one and my undying devotion to the gardener who can tell me what kind it is. 🙂

PS: Cold rain all night and the snow just started lightly falling.

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    1. Ville De Lyon Clematis. I still have the tag in front
      of my clematis. They call the color bright carmine_red flowers. Looks like magenta to me.Love it. I was just looking to see where I could buy another one when I ran across these inquiries. I think I bought it at a Kart years ago. We no longerhave any stores around here.

    1. Hmmm, it looks very similar except for the number of petals. ‘Earnest Markham’ only has 6 it looks like. I do appreciate your suggestion, though! 🙂

  1. I know I’m a year late, but it looks like a Clematis Bourbon. Hope this helps 🙂

  2. Could it be a ‘Starburst”? Looks a lot like a new one at our local garden shop.

  3. I have this clematis blooming now in my St. Charles IL garden. I need the name too. I wanted to post a photo but didn’t know how.

    1. Hi Deb! It’s a gorgeous Clematis, isn’t it? Definitely one I miss as it puts on the most amazing show in spring. 🙂

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