Papaver somniferum ‘Lauren’s Grape’ (and a seed giveaway!)
We’re in the last months of winter and there is a thick blanket of snow on the ground that looks to begin melting this weekend. So, perfect situation to sow my Papaver seeds for spring. {EDIT: Scratch that. What started out as gentle showers has now turned into the Blizzard of 2014. Guess I’ll wait on the poppy seed sowing!} This time around, I’ll remember where I sprinkled the seeds and make note to not cover that area up with a dousing of compost as I did last year. Since Poppies need light to germinate, only a couple of patches actually emerged. Whoops! The flowers that we did get were stunning, though, and I was able to collect some seeds to share with you.
If you live in the United States and would like me to send you a small packet (I only have 3 available), leave me a comment to let me know you’re interested. The seeds have all been claimed, thank you!
{Incidentally, my seeds were purchased from Botanical Interests, here, and if you’re looking to read more about them, I like Margaret Roach’s post here.}
i’m tired of white. i’ve even been trying to see the white in its spectrum — pale blue white, cream white, grey white, chocolate chip, oreo, and glitter. `sigh.
that colour pop was just what this weary soul needed! i’d love a little packet of seeds!
Hi! I’m looking to stuff my new garden space this year with many varieties! I would love a small packet of seeds to plant a few for myself, and a few to share with neighbors and my community garden club! These flowers would find a good home our soil!
I would love to receive these seeds! please!!
Thank you Ladies! I’ll get in touch soon for your address.
I love how delicate poppy petals are!
Me, too! They look like floofy party dresses!
Poppies! Imagine how beautiful they will be. However, more snow coming this weekend. Maybe have to wait until March? Thanks for the pretties!
You’re most welcome! I hope you get lots of flowers from them this summer!
Thank you so much for having a search box on your blog so I could find this. I was looking for when to sew the poppy seeds. I got 2 pkts last year after reading about them here, but only planted one late and they did not germinate. Here’s to hoping the snow and cold weather we’re having will see an end very soon so I can get them seeded some time next month! I hope mine turn out to grow as lovey as yours did!
Oh I wish you the best of luck! I should mention that sometimes the ground-feeding birds like to swoop down and eat the seeds (a flock of Juncos wiped out all the double Poppies I sowed last winter) so try sprinkling them when you know more snow is coming that will cover them up.