Around here lately
I’m here, I’m here! Goodness, I try to stay consistent with these posts but often the time just gets away from me. Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you can’t seem to do anything at all? I have been feeling that way a lot, and still struggling with my inner monologue, but this book has been helping with that enormously. In fact, Jesse and I are both reading it and working on our goals together which has been really wonderful. Plus, I found out that my alignment is neutral good {EDIT: nope, it’s lawful good}, so that’s pretty cool to know, right? I highly recommend it! Some other tidbits:
◆ I realized this morning that it will be 5 years tomorrow that I first started selling on Etsy. 5 years! I was still in my 30’s, living in Scranton, a single mother and teaching 3rd grade when I opened my shop. So much has changed. I can’t believe it.
◆ But shall we talk about the garden? This time of year I feel like a constant whiner about winter (and whiners are weaners–quick, what Friends episode is that from?) Really, it’s been lovely, Winter, but you can go now. Spring has tentatively begun knocking on the door: a couple of days ago I saw a flock of robins descend upon our neighborhood trees and this morning I opened the sliding glass door to peek outside and heard them singing off in the distance. The February Gold daffodils I planted last fall have just barely begun to emerge but I know that just a few warm days is all it will take before they’ll really get going. (As I type this a wren is singing right outside my window. It’s like he knows!)
◆ My ginormous box of Cowpots arrived! Seed starting will be happening in just a handful of weeks. As new materials arrive, such as gloves, cane toppers, and soon, my new edger and replacement Felco blades, I have been stockpiling them up in the garage and it gives me a happy feeling just seeing them waiting there for warmer days spent in the garden. Now’s the time to make sure your tools are sharpened, cleaned and ready! Yeehaw!
◆ I’m bringing out the colorful florals and spring-y decor to brighten up our home even though the snow continues to fall (you can see more of those things on my Instagram feed), cleaning up my workspace, boxing up items for Good Will that we really don’t need and wondering: will March come in like a Lion or a Lamb?
What are you doing to get ready for spring?
It’s funny – I have had a gorgeous lavender stone just waiting to be set in a design with lilacs, but I wouldn’t make it all winter. One morning recently I woke to birdsong, and thought, today’s the day!
I love winter, but I am starting to yearn for spring!
Yeah! I know what you mean! That little bit of sunshine just does wonders for the creativity. Please link us up to your lavender stone design with you’re done, I would love to see it.
Seriously sweet kitty photo!
Thank you Jo!