At the end of the rainbow
I hope you enjoyed the rainbow of colors found in the garden and it brightened up your January a wee little bit. Now that it’s finished I can take a sigh of relief because that was more work than I thought it would be. (It didn’t help that I lost my entire photo library midway through.) Sifting through hundreds and hundreds of photos I learned some things along the way, for example what annuals/perennials I want to see more/less of in the coming years and where the gaps are in our garden during the growing months. I know I’ve said this countless times before but a camera is probably one of your best gardening tools.
I also learned that not for the first time and probably not for the last, our garden has saved me from falling into utter despair. I’ve put a lot of thought into what I should or shouldn’t share here and being a naturally shy person it’s difficult to talk about stuff but I did promise to open up a little more so I will tell you that this month so far has been one of the most difficult that we’ve ever faced. As a mother, you feel keenly the pain your child is going through and our daughter is dealing with some very difficult issues right now. Sorting through colorful photos of our garden during sunnier times has been like a balm. Do you find that your garden is healing for you, too?
61 more days until Spring….
your rainbow blessing has splashed all over my winter-weary heart & got the hope of spring rising again.
i have a child whose shadows cast a ponderous darkness toward my motherheart. so i began to blog infusions of hope to mark the journey rather like the hebrew children did as they trekked thru the desert and made memorials to mark the seasons when God shone brightly. i also learned to never go into battle alone. there are mother-warriors around the blogosphere to walk with you.
That is so sweet of you Deborah; thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you really are the most marvelous photographer. I am thinking of you and your family. Since I had my daughter, I realize that being a Mom is the toughest job of them all. Hugs.
Oh thank you Louise! I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your visits here and all of your lovely comments and encouragement. You sure know how to make a gal’s day.
My garden always broight me much joy. I wanted to shrink down so I could look in every nook and cranny.
I hope things get better for your daughter soon. She is in high school, right? That time is so difficult but having someone that cares the way you do really makes a difference.
Thank you Anabel! What a neat idea to shrink down into your garden….the things you would see!