Snowy wipeouts and other random bits
It’s occurred to me that this winter I’ve kept pretty mum on what’s actually happening in the garden right now versus last summer. I think it’s a self preservation thing. And it helps, it really does, if you’re like me and don’t really get into the whole “fun times in freezingcoldwinter” mentality to look at pretty pictures of flowers waving happily in the sunshine. I’ve been pretty upbeat about it all, actually. Nevermind the wall of snow outside our windows with more to come, that just means we’ll head into spring with a healthy water table, right? Well, admittedly my cheerful demeanor took a tumble last night. This was right about the same time that I did–with a faceplant in the snow whilst trying to run after a naughty Eva who had gone rogue, trailing her leash gleefully behind her as she bounded through 2 feet of snow and me, in my pajamas and slippery galoshes, trying to catch up to her. (The face plant happened when the leash caught on a snowbank and I swan dove into the pile to grab it before Eva headed off into the next county. That’s when I had some pretty choice words about winter.)
But as Edith Sitwell said, “No winter lasts forever; No spring skips it’s turn” and why just this morning, in fact, I could hear birds singing in the trees and I’ve got the sweet pea seeds all lined up and ready for their early sowing. It will get here when it gets here. In the meantime, I’ve been busy…
…like, getting the new shop photographed and set up which was quite a Herculean task! But it’s done now, for the most part. Amazing that I was able to take any photos at all what with Pepper constantly investigating…
…and putting on a ham show. Well, you know how it is with kitties…
…always lounging about.
I had some fun photographing some color options for custom work….
….and fired up the kiln again to make a few more plant labels. (I’m obsessed!)
Then there were the lavender and rose sachets I started making from rose petals and lavender blossoms I collected last summer. (My goodness, the scent is intoxicating, like summer in a bowl.)
In between, more dreaming and scheming for this summer’s garden…
…and I made a couple more rings…
…just for me.
Coming up will be another seed giveaway, so if you missed the last ones, check back soon!
Oh my! Why is it pets always go rogue when one is wearing jammies? I have so been there before, except swap snow with mud. Oh and not my face, further south and a little more cushioned.
Oh my – that must have been quite a scene! I must say the kitties seem to be taking it in stride and your studio is the home of some pretty amazing beauties! The flowers will be here soon!
Your new rings look beautiful! Just had a look at your website. It looks really pretty!
Happy day!
Madelief x
Those kitties are just the cutest! Such beautiful photos in this post, they all made me smile
Sorry about the face plant! I slipped on ice getting out of our rather high pickup truck, hit the floor then hit the side step before landing on the ice and sliding away about 3 feet! Surprisingly & thankfully my ego was more bruised than my body was lol
Hello hello! Thank you all for your lovely comments!
Jo–I’m glad you weren’t too hurt.
You have been a busy little bee haven’t you! I’m gonna have to make myself familiar with you shop and blog again!
I don’t think my Grande Dame is going to make it this year she looks awful but Archiduchesse Elizabeth d’Autriche a Baronne Henriette Snoy looks better!
HT in tell ya some look better but they last about as good as a cheap cabinet lol
Haha! That’s so funny. I hope your Grande Dame comes through…I know how much you love that one.
Yes the scent and color was incredible. But I still have my others
So fun catching up with your blog. Thank you for your lovely posts!
Thank you Anne! Love having you here!