Early 1900’s Rose Postcards
If you’re here, then you probably love roses as much as I do, in which case you might appreciate the beauty of these postcards I recently acquired (gotta love Ebay) dating back to 1909. Aren’t they beautiful? When I showed them to my daughter, she exclaimed excitedly, “They were written in the time of Downton Abbey!” She gets it.
I’m not sure which roses these are supposed to be, specifically. They may just be stylized, but wouldn’t it be neat to find out if the artist was drawing from a rose in his/her own garden? What do you think?
They are beautiful! Wouldn’t they be nice in mass framed, or maybe a triptych? Please let us out here know what their final outcome is inclusive of your wonderful photography!
All the best,
Thank you Cydney! That is a great idea!
You have Mosley’s award winning roses in your home!
Anabel, you’ll have to educate me…what are “Mosley’s award winning roses?” I only know of the contemporary artist Walter Mosley. Is that who you are referring to?
Oh, sorry, I was referring to the flower show episode Downton Abbey.
Oh my gosh duh! Of course! I don’t know why I didn’t put that together…I’ve only seen that series a bazillion times. Silly me.
What wonderful cards. I never thought to look for these on ebay! I have friends that make their own note cards for gifts with their rose pictures on the cover. Why use anything else??
I agree…what a great idea!