Introducing ‘Souvenir de Philémon Cochet’ Hybrid Rugosa Rose
‘Souvenir de Philémon Cochet’ Hybrid Rugosa Rose
With Vintage Gardens closing it’s doors permanently very soon, I’m finding that I can’t stop sneaking in “just one more order.” Most recently I added 3 roses to my cart: ‘Souvenir de Philémon Cochet’, R. eglanteria (a real hedgerow rose) and Rosa brunonii ‘La Mortola’. (My other orders shouldn’t be arriving until May when the weather is settled but I couldn’t resist requesting these three to be sent early.) Imagine how thrilled I was when I opened the box and saw that SDPC was already blooming. And the scent so strong–like bright, sweet citrus and old rose. SDPC is a hybrid rugosa, with the illustrious parentage of ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’. Bred by Philémon Cochet sometime before 1899 and introduced in France by Charles Pierre Marie Cochet-Cochet in 1899 (source) I’ve read that this rose is hardy and rugged but gardeners have commented that the blooms do not stay pristine for long, forming brownish petals especially in humid conditions. Hmmm. Well so far I don’t mind, I’m just so happy to see roses again.
No don’t stop doing At a Glace! I like how you give a your opinion on how it grows. I’m jealous that you have a bloom already (even though it was mailed…)
I’m gonna have to look up that rose its beautiful!
Have you seen any hummingbirds around lately?
I enjoy ‘At A Glance’. I read your blog daily. I have bought 3 roses after seeing your posts
and photos: La Reine, Comte de Chambord, & Ernest Calvat.
I even bought the French issue of Victoria magazine after you raved about it.
Thank you both for your feedback! I’ll keep it going, then.
mauvegirl8, I hope you enjoyed the magazine. I don’t think Victoria is what it used to be but I still enjoy the beautiful photography. (oh ps: Let us know how you like the roses!)
I also enjoy your “at a glance” summary of your roses. Nasty Internet trolls!
Thank you Louise! I truly appreciate all your support!
I love this rose! How is it doing at this point? Would you ever do a cutting exchange? I ask because I’m having a hard time finding this rose online for purchase.
Hi Liz! I gave it to my mom and it’s growing in her Ohio garden, now. I’ll ask her how it’s doing!
Do you know where I can mail order Souvenir de Philémon Cochet in the US? I can’t seem to find it and mine has died (wrong place). Thanks so much!!!
Hi Louise! I don’t think that rose is in commerce anymore…at least within the U.S. It’s possible someone like Greenmantle Nursery carries it but I didn’t see them listed on the Help Me Find nursery page. Sorry I wasn’t able to help!
I’m trying to identify a rose in my garden. It is clearly a rugosa rose and may be Souvenir de Philemon Cochet – certainly it’s quite like the one you picture, though perhaps a bit pinker inside. I’d like to know something about the prockles on yours: mine are very densely packed spines of more or less equal length.
Hi Andrew, thank you for your visit! I no longer grow this rose and it was so long ago I can’t quite remember the prickles. You said yours is a bit more pink inside? Could it be ‘Snow Pavement’?