Tuscany Superb – The Velvet Rose
‘Tuscany Superb’ is one of those roses that breaks your heart it’s so lovely. Well, to me at least. I really am very enamored with Gallicas and this one is a beauty–well mannered with pretty foliage and luxurious blossoms that truly live up to it’s synonym: ‘The Velvet Rose’. Since where we are relocating seems to be an everyday conversation in this house–alternating between tiresome and exciting–I can’t help but think about my rose babies and their welfare. How would I manage to leave them behind? Which ones, if I could, would I take with me? ‘Tuscany Superb’ is at the top of a very short list of must-haves (a list that changed radically last summer). I don’t find that her flowers last as long as some of my other OGR’s (‘Madame Hardy’ and a couple others still hold the title for longest bloom period) but they more than make up for it in charm, glowing like old rubies and garnets amongst the dark green foliage of the surrounding perennials. No disease yet, either, even though R. gallica officinalis, planted just around the corner gets powdery mildew pretty regularly. ‘Tuscany Superb’ was not immune to the midge, but fortunately had finished blooming before it got very bad. It will be something to watch next spring. I found that I entirely lack impulse control when I see Gallicas for sale (I understand Empress Joséphine’s passion!) but I have completely run out of room and in fact need to divide ‘Georges Vibert’ before I add more to the garden. Plus, are we staying? Are we leaving? Argh! Whereas most Gallicas are shades of light to deep pink/red and even some stripes, I did manage to get my hands on ‘L’Ingénue’ which is a creamy white. It’s still very small and truthfully did not look very healthy last summer so we’ll see. For more information about Gallica roses, I like Paul Barden’s page HERE and he also talks about ‘Tuscany Superb’ HERE. Do you grow Gallicas? Which ones are your favorites?
Gorgeous photos, and you are right, it certainly does live up to its nickname (although I suspect that would not come across as clearly if someone else was taking the photos!).
jess | Quaintrelle
Thank you Jess!
I’m so glad you like them!
Beautiful photographs of a beautiful rose. Very inspiring.
Thank you Don!
Does Tuscany Superb manage in less than full sun?
Hi Linda: Ours was in a location where it received about 4 hours of morning sun and then dappled sunlight in the afternoon. It seemed to do just fine. My rule of thumb for any rose that is described as being “shade tolerant” is to give it at least 4 hours of morning sun–that part is key. Thanks for stopping by!