A Giveaway! Original Estate Earrings in Moss Green
3 Winners have been selected! THANK YOU to all who participated and for leaving me such delightful comments. I read and treasured each and every one and really enjoyed reading about your gardens. I wish I had a pair of these to give to each of you!
Using Random.org the following winners were selected: Samantha, Kimmy and Heather L.! I will be contacting all of you soon for your mailing address.
Thank you again and Happy Holidays!!
I just received a box of the Swarovski Crystal Elements® color introduction for Fall/Winter 2013-14: Moss Green. These crystals are gorgeous. Gorgeous! And dare I say, perfect for the holidays? (Although I wish I had this color when I was getting married–it would have matched our shade of green perfectly.) I thought it would be lovely to give away 3 pairs of my original “Estate Earrings” using these new crystals to 3 lucky readers. Interested?
♥ This contest is open to everyone. Simply leave me a comment here on this post to let me know you stopped by. Tell me what your favorite piece of jewelry is in my shop (past or present), or what roses you are growing in your garden, or just say Hi! It doesn’t matter–just leave some kind of blurb so I can include you in the giveaway.
♥ Increase your chances of winning by sharing: Are you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest? Share this giveaway and receive an extra chance to win! PLEASE LEAVE AN INDIVIDUAL COMMENT HERE for each of these shares. So example, if you shared on Instagram and Facebook leave me 2 more additional comments to let me know where you re-posted the giveaway. Get it? That way your name will be included those additional times when I randomly select 3 individual winners and it will increase your odds of winning. I’ll leave the contest open until December. Good Luck!
I love everything in your shop – but your metalsmithed jewelry is my favorite
Oooh! Perfect for Christmas!
Love the color of these Swarovski. Loved everything in your shop but the lucky clover is sold out
Great giveaway shared on Facebook as well ….
And Pinterest
Somehow found you on Instagram & have thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Fascinated me on how you put your garden to bed for winter!?
These earings and so very beautiful! I’m not wearing jewelry a lot, but I’d love to wear these.
Those earrings are my fav ones
And I grow Astrid Lindgren roses on my garden 
Just pinned to Pinterest!
and tweeted!
Love your instagram feed and your blog! Thank you for sharing the good and the bad from your rose chronicles!
These would make a lovely Christmas gift!
So I followed the instructions for your giveaway and was doing great up to the part where you advise to visit your shop and tell you my favorite “piece” of jewelry. “Piece” as in singular, acccckkkk way too hard to pick just one, so here is my list, (singular) whew, thanks heavens for loop holes. Lol
Vintage Rhinestone Floral Button Ring,
Vintage Cameo Adjustable Rings Numbers 6, & 7,
Minty Fresh Sterling Earrings,
Embroidered Cottontail Bunny,
Hedgehog & Toadstool Charm,
Last but not least, and I don’t even know if this was ever in your shop but in your blog post on April 25th, 2013 in the first picture you are wearing a ring that looks very similar to my engagement ring (an antique from France) so of course I love that ring.
Roses in my garden are:
Don Juan (4)
Social Climber (1)
Golden Showers (1)
Queen Elizabeth (2)
Smooth Delight (2)
Sweetness Rose (1)
Pink Knock out (8)
Red Knock out (6)
White/cream small petals bushy/shrub style (1) bought at yard sale for 5.00, love it!
Large arching pale cream edged in pink (1) Very Fragrant
Small ruffled pink (1) dainty lots of petals
Small drk pink & white striped (1) perhaps some sort of knock out?
Large red climber (1) similar to Don Juan less petals very fragrant
Large bushy wildesque light pink 4-5 petals (1) rescued from my mother who wanted to THROW IT OUT!!! Because it was getting so big, I swear I MUST be adopted!
5 different roses given to me by a friend at the end of this summer, hasn’t bloomed yet so no idea Re: color, size, petal count, fragrance. She had no idea and couldn’t remember anything about them. 2 of them had been mowed over! The HORROR!
Shared on Facebook: Kimberly Walsh in Dover Delaware.
Pinned on Pinterest. Yay!
Just discovered your blog through esty, what a fantastic resource for a fellow State College resident
I just fell in love with your etsy shop (this is how i find your blog) and have to tell that all of your rings are just gorgeous!!! I wish i could afford in the future for some of them:)
and just share it this lovely giveaway on pinterest:)
and tweeted too:)
You are very talented! I love the beautiful detail on your rings on Etsy. My favorites are the Wood Springs Quarts Ring and the Vintage Rhinestone Ring. Roses are one of my favorite flowers. I have 17 rose bushes in my front and back yard. Your climbing roses are at the top of my list!
I just posted your give a way on Facebook and Pinterest. I know my friends will fall in love with your jewelry and flowers!
What a beautiful shop! Thank you for the giveaway.
I love the Provence Lavender Crystal Earrings in your shop.
I shared the giveaway on my Pinterest page
Hi! I enjoy reading your blog about roses, it is very helpful! My husband and I like to grow them as well. We have quite a few fragrant hybrids (we mostly enjoy the fragrant roses), and venturing into climbing roses
My favorite must be the delicate forget me not band that you made for me but all of your pieces are lovely as is your garden photography. We grow iceberg, peace, new dawn, golden jubilee, jubilee celebration and an unruly patch of soft pink bramble roses that smell just like the rose milk lotion I remember from childhood
all best to you this holiday season!
I love all the creativity that comes out of your studio and garden. I find your photography, jewelry and vision quite beautiful.
All of your jewelry is absolutely gorgeous!! I’m still in love with the Eleanor of Aquitaine ring you made! I love following your Instagram! Currently growing orchids and bamboo (apartment living with cats makes roses, and anything with tasty looking leaves, impossible right now sadly!!)
Love, Sarah (@fruitprincess on IG)
Just found your site this morning while looking for info. regarding care of sweet autumn clematis. Your photography is beautiful and I want to make the petite jam cookies!
I love the vintage rhinestone star bracelet. It was hard to choose what I liked best.
I have several rose bushes growing in my gardens but my favorite two are William Baffin roses each growing on tall trellises.
I have bookmarked your site and will be back!
Hi Laurie!
Thanks so much for offering this giveaway! It is impossible for me to pick just *one* of your pieces as my favourite, but I certainly am crushing on your metalsmithed rings at the moment!
Stopping by to say hello! This color is beautiful! (I may have to get a pair regardless!) My favorite item that I have from you is that adorable little poppy ring. I wear it often to add a fun pop of color. Please keep up your beautiful work!!
Ohhh Lovely! Love the color!!
Two summers ago, I found a wild rose in the woods behind the house and I though, hummm…and so I took part of it and transplanted it next to our deck…it’s thriving and so beautiful when it bloomed this year. A very simple pink wild rose! But it’s spreading like crazy…so looks like I’ll be moving part of it to another spot! Love your jewelry…you are very talented!