Wrapping up autumn: Projects around our home and garden
It no longer feels like autumn, even though the calendar says otherwise, since we’ve had our first, real snowfall. In our family, we take bets as to when the first snow will occur and the winner gets to pick any book they want off of Amazon. This year, Jesse won, the stinker.
I’m glad that I snuck a few final projects in the garden before it got too cold, though. Remember how I said I was only going to pot up a few bulbs for winter forcing? Well, clearly I lack all self control when it comes to buying plants and seeds because I managed to sneak in one more order. It was the prospect of having blooming anemones that got my order started but then I couldn’t resist tossing in a few more into the cart, like those Fritillaria liliaceae ‘Michailovskyi’. Can’t wait to see those, too!
Right before the snow, we had a brief warm-up and I last minute decided to try forcing some Lily-of-the-Valley. Have you ever done this before? Apparently, it’s as simple as forcing any other spring flowering bulb so I thought, why not? I dug up a small clump from the garden, untangled, trimmed and washed the roots, potted up and placed in cold storage. The pips are funny looking, aren’t they?
That was done, but I still felt like I needed to get my hands in soil so I took a walk and carefully gathered some moss for the underlayment of our indoor plants. Moss is tricky business to keep happy indoors, especially in winter, as it tends to dry out. I am using a mister with diluted kelp emulsion and I’ll report back if I find good results with that method.
A bit of moss sure does look pretty dressing up this potted Meyer lemon tree, doesn’t it?
Autumn is such a short-lived season here in Pennsylvania. Once it gets snowy and cold it pretty much stays that way until April. It’s beautiful while it lasts, though, and having grown up in So. Cal where the seasons are not as dramatic, I really appreciate the colors and changing light. When I take walks, I always come home with something in my hands and pockets: feathers, acorns, leaves, etc. Look how gorgeous these sweet gum tree leaves are. I mean, c’mon, really. Those colors!
The corn fields behind our home are perfect places for an autumn stroll. Since Madison graduates from high school in January we thought we’d sneak in a few portrait sessions between now and then and take advantage of that subtle, golden sunlight that can only be found in November. I’m glad we got out there when we did as now it’s a field of grey and white.
Indoors, I finished up a quilt not long ago using the 30’s Playtime collection of fabrics. I’ll be honest with you, I call this quilt (my 5th? one so far) my “hot mess” quilt because I kept making mistake after mistake. I’m not crazy about it and I’m wondering if my brain was checking out while sewing because I wasn’t really excited about the fabrics? I thought it would be fun to select patterns that weren’t all pink and rosy but who am I kidding. I like what I like!
Pepper doesn’t seem to mind all the mistakes. She says this one passes the cozy test, regardless.
Stay warm, lovelies. And see you in December!
I am loving your blog since you’ve been back (okay, I loved it before too :-)). Pepper looks like a real sweetie.
Aww thank you! And I’m so grateful for your encouragement over the years. <3 Pepper really is a sweetie...we were so lucky to find her.
Such loveliness! I’m so happy seeing those fat yellow lemons, too! I was sad to give up on mine, but my mom gave me some of her lemons from her tree and I can’t stop smelling them every time I walk into the kitchen.
Your quilt reminds me of one that I had as a child. It probably looked nothing like that, but it brought back the memory. I’m stalled on a quilt I’m making for a friend. I should just finish it so I can get on to another quilt project. Seeing your squares is inspiring because the next quilt I’m making will be squares using leftover fabric scraps from many different projects.
Can’t wait to see all your blooming forced bulbs!
Hi Anne! I’m glad to have this quilt inspire you…I feel that way whenever I look at other’s quilts so it’s nice to be able to give back in that way. I have many, many unfinished sewing projects so don’t feel bad.
Hope to see your finished piece on your blog so I can ooh and ahh over it!
What gorgeousness! Pepper of course is very darling and snuggly, but where is orange kitty?
Here she is!
I noticed some foxglove remnants in your photo, I’ve never grown them before. My wife and I were wanting to include some in the garden next year. Any tips? Any favorite varieties? Do they perrenialize for you?
Hi Cole! Foxgloves are one of my top 10 favorite flowers and the good news is they are super easy to grow. I have found they like it best if I plant them in an area of the garden that gets dappled sun, in humus-rich soil that drains well (no wet feet) but also gets ample moisture. They do reseed, but of course as a biennial, the seedlings will not bloom until the second year and they usually revert to white or a pale pink (for me, at least.) This year I’m going to try growing some new varieties from seed because Foxglove are so expensive in the stores! However, if you’re looking for a good mail order company, I loved all the plants I got from Bluestone Perennials last spring. Do I have a favorite foxglove variety? Hmmm, can’t say I do, I love them all. But I definitely want to try the Dalmation Peach next.
Thanks for the info – can’t wait to try these.