When we were researching this area prior to our move, we kept hearing how North Carolina has very distinctive 4-seasons, and manalive, they weren’t kidding. Each month has been so thematic, and so far November, on “our” little mountain has felt almost gothic, strange and hauntingly lovely.
There is such a odd juxtaposition going on right now: the fog which floats thickly amongst the colorful leaves casting a dark, sleepy shadow on the day coupled with vibrant flowers like zinnias and dahlias still in bloom.
I couldn’t believe, as we strolled through the Biltmore last weekend, that the Christmas trees were going up and strung with lights ready for the Big Show whilst the rose garden was still laden with buds. I LOVE Christmas and I love roses so I was positively gleeful that day to have the two of them together.
Roses at the Biltmore in November, top to bottom: Cinderella, Proud Land, Mme Berkely, No. 1311, Pomponella, No. 1526, Golden Celebration, Orchid Romance, Queen Elizabeth
At home, our projects are winding down, for now. We’re wrapping up the finishing touches on our spare room/studio space which means I’ve had someplace to finally start sewing again. I’m not much of a seamstress, but I do enjoy a simple patchwork from time to time, like this cushion that Pepper is photobombing–but she’s much cuter than the pillow.
I moved our Welsh cupboard into the studio (which we’ve been dubbing, “the pink room” for now) so I had to combine all our china pieces into one cabinet. Good thing I gave away about 1/2 our collection before we moved!
In the garden, I’ve snuck out between rain showers to work on getting this new “dovecote bed” laid out. Still on the hunt for the perfect dovecote–and I may just build one. Will also need tons of boxwood for spring, so I’m searching for a good company I can order from in bulk. Anyone know of one?
I think I mentioned in my earlier post, that the pink room just isn’t big enough to house my metalsmithing equipment and bench. For now, we’re setting up shop on our screened in porch. It isn’t ideal, I’ll be real with you. It gets wet and cold and yadda yadda yadda, but anything is better than the basement I was working in before. We had this antique door that was left in our shed that we made into a workbench for my kiln and other whatnots. I love it!
Monsieur Tillier
And that’s about it! How about where you live? How is your November shaping up? Have you had any snow yet?
PS: most of these photos were taken with my iPhone. My Nikon and I have had a falling out. I tell him, “It’s not you, it’s me” and need a little space from each other. But seriously, I can’t seem to take anything decent on it anymore. Sometimes I wonder if my very basic lens has pooped out on me or if the sensor needs to be cleaned or if I’m just a bad photographer. Anyways, camera woes, etc.
Harlow Carr
With so many similarities in this post, my jaw kept dropping. The fog settling in amongst the trees is one of the things I enjoy in the early mornings. Makes me feel like I’m living in the Shire, like a Hobbit. Your photos could have been taken where I live, even though we are on opposite sides of the country. Your Welsh cupboard and mine could change places and neither of us would notice, they are so alike. And, to top it off, I am also dodging rain to lay cardboard in new beds .. just like you. I’m adding a layer of chopped straw. I’ll find out next spring if that was a good idea or not. Of the roses from The Biltmore, I hope you will keep us informed on #1526. Oh, and the Nikon! It’s comforting to know I’m not alone. I’m using my phone these days, too, but having trouble connecting to Instagram. The only roses still blooming in my garden are PA of Kent and Cinco de Mayo. I’ve moved a few pots into the garage, on a table under the window, as you suggested. It will be nice to have something alive to fuss with through winter. 20 tall pines were felled in the garden this week, so I’m especially anxious for spring to see how the roses react to the added sunlight. Your Monsieur Tillier is truly lovely. Thank you for making my day so much brighter, Laurie. You always do.
Hello Andrea! It is YOU who brightened my day with this lovely comment, thank you! How funny that we’re like twins on opposite sides of the U.S. Great minds think alike, yes?
I will definitely keep everyone informed about #1526. I might be mistaken, but I don’t think it will actually get it’s final judgment (gosh, that sounds way more intense than I meant it too) until 2017 but I could be wrong about that. Still learning. Isn’t Monsieur Tillier magnificent? That one isn’t mine, but I intend to get some into our garden ASAP.
PS: that’s a lot of pine trees! I’m sure your roses will love the extra sunshine!
Laurie, after reading your interview on Anne’s blog, I am blown away! You are proficient in so many areas. Had to laugh .. I own a small torch.
Never used it, but it’s here if I suddenly decide to solder something. So many possibilities, so little time. Wonderful interview.
Haha were we separated at birth?!
Thank you, Andrea!!
What a stunningly beautiful place you live in – and everything you do makes it even more beautiful! So happy for you!! Rose and Christmas, oh my!
Oh my, indeed! Bringing out the Christmas decorations today, in fact!
Wow! Such loveliness in this post. The fog is gorgeous. And all those roses!
So glad you have some work space again, even if some if it isn’t ideal. You make me want to get out my sewing machine. I have a couple projects in mind and I haven’t sewn anything for so long.
Here November began with beautiful, warm weather. It’s gotten chilly again, but I was so happy to spend some time out in the garden barefoot a couple days.
So sorry about your camera.
Maybe coming back after taking a break will be just the trick.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you Anne! I tried to capture that misty, foggy goodness as best I could. It’s magical to be able to stroll through it on those chilly mornings. As for the camera, I think I need a better lens, but I’ll make do in the meantime. Hope you’re having a great week so far!
I love your pictures! maybe that is the future after all, iPhone photography. Yours is really so good you needn’t tell us how is came about. If you do want to get a new camera though and since you are in the middle of a remodel you might not… I will still advise you look for a fujifilm x10 or x20. This is what I use when I am out and about and it’s light but precise.
I would consider replacing it for itself if you see what I mean.
The coming of winter is hard for a gardener, especially when all the beds have not yet been cut into the grass…
On my side, after abandoning my craft blog for what seems like a year I decided to start a garden blog! inspired by yours of course. I have been trying to write a lot to flesh it out. It’s focused on water wise plants of course but so far it’s been great for the mind ; )
I hope I can stick with it during the winter as you have through the move…
Hi Juju! How wonderful to start a gardening blog, and waterwise gardening is really the future, I think. You’re so clever! Thank you for the tip on the camera, too, I’ll definitely check it out. I’m thinking I may need a new lens but that’s going to have to take a backseat to the house for now. I know you understand!
Did you get the new flooring in?
Just had to tell you how much I enjoyed Anne’s interview of you on her blog this week. Two beautiful young women who can share their lives because of this wonder known as technology (and joy, rapture, this not young woman can enjoy it all too!) I am so proud of her.
Anne helped me to plant David Austen roses in a reclaimed flower bed this past May and they are facing their first winter here in SW Wisconsin. They are all zone 4 own root roses and I surely could use your advice as to the best way to go about protecting them. Also, the new buds and cane tips seem to be a favorite snack of the local deer and I wonder what you can tell me about keeping the deer at bay…
Love the way your home and gardens are evolving. You’re doing a splendid job and I look forward to seeing more photos in future. Happy November.
who is Anne? where is the interview? We must know!
Anne is Anne Butera, the artist behind My Giant Strawberry! She featured an interview with me HERE on her blog, if you’re interested!
Hello Sharon, thank you for your visit! I was very tickled and honored to be featured on Anne’s blog. She’s such an inspiration!
We have deer who use our garden as a snack bar, too. So far, I’ve been having success with spraying Liquid Fence (bought mine on Amazon) on all the roses but the trick is you have to do it frequently, and if it rains you must spray again. Sidebar: Liquid Fence has never worked on rabbits, for me at least. It stinks to high heaven but it seems to be working! *cross fingers*
I have a post HERE about protecting roses for winter that you might find useful. Thanks again!
So glad you guys are enjoying your new home and neighborhood
more and more. WNC really does have it’s own magic to it – such a special, beautiful place. Just wait until you experience spring there – it is so fantastic. The American composer Aaron Copland wrote a beautiful piece called “Appalachian Spring” – it captures WNC so perfectly in music. Regarding the boxwood – I have a couple of sources for you. We planted 100 baby boxwood in our garden last year to provide more “bones” in the garden structure. As you know full size boxwood cost an arm and leg. Both of these sources are very high quality – Das Farms in Tennessee have more options for sizes if you want to spend a little more for bigger plants. Richey’s nursery are only plug size, but very high quality. We did not have even one boxwood die and we had the polar vortex in Wisconsin right after the planting season. Das Farms and Richey nursery Have fun!
Cole, you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much for sharing your Boxwood resources, woohoo! Jesse and I are doing the same thing–adding a bunch to give the garden structure–and they are too expensive to be buying in larger sizes. Can’t wait to put our order in for spring, woo hoo!
Also, thank you for reminding me about Appalachian Spring…haven’t listened to that in a while. It’s such a beautiful piece. I’m listening to it right now!
I love the foggy wood picture. It looks like something mystical/magical is going to happen just around the bend. The roses pictures are beautiful. I am glad you are starting to sew again. My husband bought me a sewing kit and to this day it is still in the closet–waiting for me to fire it up.
I was thinking the same thing! Definitely something magical going on.
With the chillier weather ahead I have a feeling your sewing kit might come out and get some use!
Oh my goodness I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog from your german pinocle advent calendar which I’ve had pinned for quite awhile and which is so inspiring! I love your blog here and look forward to following allow now as well as going back to the archives when I have a bit more time!