Catching Our Breath
The past several months have been go-go-go and The Mister and I have at times felt like we were losing our minds; so we made a point of taking a time-out this past weekend just to catch our breaths before the fall craziness begins. I got to do things like actually sit still long enough to read a book, relax on the deck with Eva while watching the silly wrens zipping around the garden, gather flowers for the house and I even rearranged the livingroom for the upteenth time. I also pre-ordered a couple of roses for next spring when Vintage Gardens posted their Fall release: the Bourbon, ‘Comtesse de Rocquigny’ and Tea/Noisette, ‘Rêve d’Or’. I have absolutely no idea where I am going to put them but I’ve got 9 months to figure it out. (On the subject of roses, I’ve been reading a lot about the decline of rose gardening over the past several decades and I have some theories as to why that is, but what do you think?) Today it’s back to business, but we’re both rested up and ready. How was your weekend?
Well every Saturday since that big storm we had that knocked our power out for a week about a month or more ago we go to his moms house to clean up. Just about 10 trees blew over. This past Sat. we just shredded brush that was pilling up so we can have more room to put more brush lol
I think the reason why some gardens are shrinking is because like what you have said that you have been on the go and so have others and I think people are forgetting to slow down. They are to busy to relax and breathe, and the older generation is disappearing with all the knowledge that they have collected. The younger generations aren’t outsiders as they used to be now with video games and all the other distractions that have been developed in recent years. But I think that is changing. I have been noticing a lot more people are being eco orientated (some more to the extreme) and are realizing that if you garden it can be a stress reliever plus added happiness that came with raising something.
Opps I blabbed :S sorry if you didn’t understand I can go off topic or my mind goes faster then my fingers…
Don’t apologize–I’m glad you blabbed!
You’ve brought up some interesting points. Definitely food for thought. Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for you with all those trees and brush….yikes. Don’t overdo it!
What are your thoughts on the gardening..? or do you not want to share just in case of an argument forming (not in which I will do)
I try not to but I think I did this weekend, I am sore.. ugh
You’re right, I certainly don’t want to offend anyone with my strong opinions (this blog is supposed to be fun after all), but also I’m trying to form my thoughts on the subject into something more coherent than the rant I subjected my husband to over the weekend.
Rest up, my dear!
Lovely photos! Glad you found some time to relax and enjoy your garden. I think a lot of modern roses developed through the mid to end 20th century were just too much work, requiring spraying to look nice. Now we are becoming much more conscious of the environment we choose to live in, and are more aware of the mark we are leaving behind. Also, in my suburban/urban neighbourhood, housing lots are shrinking in order to increase density. I would love love love to have more roses, but where to put them?? Still trying to figure that one out! Unfortunately I have a hard time parting with any of them, even the relatively poor performers.
Thank you for sharing your insight, Louise! My theory about about the decline of rose gardening also has to do with the surge of Modern roses (in particular Hybrid Teas) so we are in agreement there (as well as having difficulty when it comes time to part with any of them!) I was reading an article about a gardener who grows over 400 roses on just 1 acre and how she arranges everything to “fit” and it was definitely inspiring. But it’s true what you said about lot sizes shrinking further and further; rooftop garden anyone?