Gardeners’ World
Recently, I turned to my husband and said, without a hint of exaggeration, “Gardeners’ World is saving me from winter.” Dear readers, I imagine you are also currently shivering under a blanket, wondering when this arctic freeze will lift. This message is for you.
If, right now, you are finding yourself staring wistfully out the window at your frozen garden whilst singing a sad little Feivel song, I’d like to introduce you to this handsome guy, Monty Don, the current host, and share a few images from the program so you can see what I love about the show.
Now, I know that all my gardening pals out there in the U.K. have a long history (50 years!) with this program, but here in the states it might not be as familiar. Whether you’ve seen these episodes already or are a brand new viewer, I highly, HIGHLY recommend watching them this winter.
The best way to catch back episodes is to search YouTube where you can find whole seasons available. Not only will it help chase the winter blues, it is chock-a-block full of valuable information. I’ve learned so much and have a running list in my notes app of all my favorite tips which I’ll be sure to refer back to this growing season. Oh and let’s not forget Monty’s adorable dog friends, Nigel and Nellie who, let’s face it, are the real stars.
You are welcome.
Hi Laurie,
I too love Gardener´s World! I am from Austria and thus also watch the episodes on youtube. You´re so right-watching Gardener´s World during winter is great, especially at times where it is too cold to work in the garden. Here in Vienna we have been lucky the last few months as it has been unusually warm. The temperatures are mostly above zero; the ground isn´t frozen and thus I am able to do some work in the garden. But for the cold, freezing days Gardener´s World is a lovely programme, making me dream of spring. I also recently bought Monty Don´s book “Gardening at Longmeadow” which I love reading on cold days.
Enjoy watching!
Best wishes,
Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! It’s so nice to get a chance to chat with other gardeners from around the world. I’m happy to hear you are enjoying some work in the garden this winter. It certainly makes the season a bit more pleasant, doesn’t it? Last summer I wished for a cold winter (we have had one mild one after another) and now I’m thinking I should have been careful about what I wished for, as it’s about 20 degrees below normal!
I’m definitely going to check out MD’s book(s) now that you mentioned how you’re enjoying it. Hope you have a great week!
Ooooooh I can’t wait to check this out! Especially as I noticed this morning that my Gardenia’s do not look like they made it through the super cold weather this past week. 2 degrees at night and Gardenias do not work out, so well. No matter how much you tuck them in for winter.
This show sounds like it will raise my spirits! Thanks for sharing.
You will LOVE it! I’m sorry to hear about your gardenia.
I had a similar experience: a houseplant that I’ve literally been growing for the past 20 years was accidentally left on the porch and of course the cold got to it. Such a bummer! Oh well, when spring gets here and our rose deliveries start arriving, the winter will be a distant memory…
Gardeners’ World is a Friday evening ritual in our house, but the season only runs from March to October. Last year we recorded them all and started watching them all again from November!
Ha! Great idea! (I’ve been having them on in the background while I work, like a secret portal to summer.
Ooh I love this. Thanks for sharing. I’m not suffering like you guys (I’m in South Florida) but I can watch this in the dead of summer when its too hot, humid and chilithrippy to enjoy the garden.
“Chilithrippy’ gave me a chuckle. Yup, good to just hide inside when all that nonsense is going on.
Thank you for stopping, Denise!
I discovered Gardeners World over two years ago and have spent more time than I can count pouring over its episodes. I’ve watched its off-shoot programs like the Great British Garden Revival and related specials. It is good for the soul.
As a New England gardener, one of my favorite little pastimes is trying to adjust their climate(s) to mine.
Monty was invaluable in showing me how to train my Mme Alfred Carriere against my brick wall!
I wonder who told Carol Klein to amp up her enthusiasm since her early days.
And, aren’t the gardens at Adam Frost’s new home just the be all and end all blank slate every gardener wishes for?
Hi Doug! I am in complete agreement with you on all counts. It is so strange how Carol has become more animated. If you go back to earlier programs she isn’t that way at all. Do you also find it amusing how many times Monty says, “…add some grit” like, where is he getting all this grit?! And yes, Adam’s garden is the dream!
LOL about the grit.
Unfortunately I’m only a weekend gardener. But if I had time to accomplish one additional garden task each year, it would be producing leaf mould.
Have you ever seen it for sale?
Funnily enough, since we’ve moved, our new township provides it for us in the spring. It’s been a huge moneysaver. My understanding is it doesn’t take too long to break down as long as you mow over the leaves first. Like, if you do this in autumn, it’s ready to use the following spring. Maybe check with your township?
Hi, I also recommend Carol’s six part series called Life in a Cottage Garden. It’s a few years old now but worth watching when you’re up to date on Gardener’s World . Enjoy! I’m writing from New Zealand by the way!
Hi Emma! Welcome! It’s funny you mentioned Carol’s series, I saw it mentioned on Instagram just the other day and bookmarked it to watch this week. Thank you for the reminder!
Can’t thank you enough for turning me on to Gardener’s World! It has changed my whole winter doldrums into excitement, and what a great show to watch while on the elliptical!
Yay! So glad you like it! And what a great idea to watch while working out. When you’ve finished the GW episodes, you might like to check out Monty Don’s travels to other gardens. There is a short series for visits in France, Italy (my favorite) and more recently, Islamic Gardens. Enjoy!
Hello, I just found your blog and I love it already. I also watch as much GW as I can get on youtube! It is a lifesaver for me, too, here in Northern Indiana.
Hello Diane, Welcome! And thank you for your kind comment! It sounds like GW has been a lifesaver for a lot of gardeners this winter. I can’t wait for it to return in March!