Instagram Roundup ~ A Collection of Roses and Bits of Home
These are just some of my favorites from the past few weeks. I just love how easy it is now to snap a semi-decent photo whilst on the go. Are you on Instagram? Come find me and let’s share! @hedgerowrose
Your doggie’s sleep mask is so cute! I took a walk with my daughter and dog and they’re piles of leaves so my dog figured out that she can p[lay in them, then my daughter followed 😀 I remember at mt grandpa’s house we would rake leave and put them down the hill so when we swing we can fall in them 🙂
Good memories! Don’t you just love this time of year?
Yes I forgot how beautiful it is! and the smell does remind me of being a kid and rolling in those leaves 🙂
Its just now starting to cool off here so I’ll enjoy autumn through you 🙂