Celebration of Roses, January 18: Madame Plantier
Link to HMF: Madame Plantier
Acquired From: High Country Roses
Own Root? Yes
Would I Grow Again? Yes
Notes: One of the most highly rated roses by members of the American Rose Society and for good reason. Flowers are very similar looking to ‘Madame Hardy’ but a bit smaller. Clean, disease-free leaves and shade tolerant. Make room for this one…she wants to take up some space! {Pink rose seen in photos is ‘Earth Angel’}
Thank you for posting a month’s worth of daily rose varieties! Madame Plantier is one that I have in my garden and it has been the healthiest and most winter hardy of all my roses after a cold winter (at least, it was prior to the addition of some additional roses which have yet to be tested). This despite its relatively shady position on the east side of a fence. In September I ordered six new rose varieties (four of them OGRs), one of which is Madame Hardy. The blooms look very similar to Madame Plantier, but I know the plant itself has a different growth habit, so I’m curious to see how they compare to one another.
I also wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed your blog since I discovered it a couple of years ago. During a difficult time in my life, your gorgeous rose photos and information on heirloom and other rose types has really kept me in touch with the beauty of life. It has truly lifted me so much and I’d like to say thank you for taking the time to create such a lovely nook on the internet and for sharing such beautiful photos and helpful information.
Wishing you and yours all the best.
Hello Monika! Your comment has meant so much to me I cannot even find words to express. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing with me how these posts have helped you in a dark time. Sharing our garden in this blog has helped me, too, especially during a period several years ago when I could barely peel myself off the floor. The flowers kept me going and I treasure that they made a difference in your life, too.
You are going to just love Mme Hardy. Yes, it has a very different habit than Mme Plantier and I find the fragrance on Hardy to be so much nicer, too. She’s one of my favorites.
Sending you best wishes for a flower-filled spring!