A Perfect Pairing: Léda and Erinnerung an Brod

When we moved into our former house in late 2018, one of the first things we did was put up a fence so that our chickens could roam around safely and then I planted up all my ramblers and larger roses that were still sitting in pots all along that fenceline. In some ways, this was not the best decision. If I was thinking more clearly at the time (we had just moved across 6 states with all our pets so we were pretty exhausted at that point) I would have planted evergreens along the fence and then put my roses in. This is because the fence was not the fanciest and when the roses were dormant, which is half the year here in PA, it wasn’t nice to look at. Hindsight being 20:20 I wanted to share that with you so you don’t make the same mistake I did. Phew! OK got that out of my system now let’s talk about this surprisingly perfect pairing: the roses Léda and Erinnerung an Brod. I did not plan this, but they looked gorgeous together. The deep crimson lining along the petals of Léda–the reason why she’s often referred to as the “Painted Damask” was picked up in the coloring of Erinnerung an Brod and since they flowered at the exact same time it was such a delight to visit that part of the garden. Here are some more photos for you of these two roses in flower in spring, 2021.

This is like a dream! All so gorgeous, thanks for sharing these photos! I wanted say congrats on the blog re-design, it is truly fantastic, I love it! I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog and that’s how I discovered you and your roses back in the day! Hope you both are loving your new place! Cheers!
Thank you Cole! It was a lot of fun changing things up and probably long overdue.
I really appreciate your encouragement and kind words!
Wow your roses are soooo beautiful!!
I have some roses but this year I have alot coming. I can’t wait!!
So exciting!