
“You must be loving this…”

David Austin bareroot rosesDavid Austin bareroot rose
Forsythia hollyhock seedlings 3 hyacinth catmint columbine in april Daffodilly darlow's enigma babies Hyacinths 4 Poet's Daffodils 2 rose cuttings in willow waterPepper on her quilt

Today the postman, handing me my most recent rose delivery from Vintage Gardens, takes one look at what I can only imagine in that moment were my “crazy eyes” and said “You must be loving this.” Yes I am! But I need to get on the ball with blogging every day because now that so much is happening in the garden I don’t want to fall behind like I did last summer. So here are some snaps of the past week–just some things that have been going on around here–from top to bottom: David Austin rose delivery, me with a hefty ‘Wisley 2008’, Forsythia, Hollyhock seedlings, Hyacinth ‘Etouffee‘, Catmint, Columbine, unidentified Daffodil, “Darlow’s Enigma” bands from Heirloom roses, bringing spring indoors, ‘Actaea’ ? Narcissus, “Arcata Pink Globe” cuttings soaking in willow water, Pepper being snuggly as usual.

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    1. They do smell wonderful. I have them placed strategically around the house so I can smell them whichever room I’m in. This fall must plant a whole lot more since I like to cut so many….

    1. Haha, it does look a bit strange. The soaking in willow water was something I read on the Heritage Roses site. I’m trying it out to see if it helps with rooting.

  1. O, just wanted to say, wow, those roses. The roses I bought last year were nothing compared to this. Guess mine will still have to grow and grow and grow until they look like yours, such a beautifully ‘composed'(don’t know how else to say it in English) set of branches.

    1. I understand what you mean! Not all the bareroots looked that robust. The Wisley was so amazing looking I just had to get a photo of it. The own-root Austins I got last year were little twiggy things.

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