Summer’s Here
Thought I would squeeze in one more post before I leave for PA! Can you believe it’s only now officially summer? It’s been so warm this spring I felt like it already was. Definitely not complaining–we’ll need lots more sunny months to complete the mile long list of things to do. Currently, we’re still plugging away on the house reno and garden: the icky–and by “icky” I mean horrifying–laundry room is our latest project inside, and outside, it’s business as usual maintaining, creating and trying to practice patience. When I get back from my trip, I’ve got just one more judging day for Biltmore Trials before the main event and I’m finally getting my official training to be an ARS Consulting Rosarian. So, until we meet again in July (wait, what, JULY already?!) some quick shares/reminders: Did you see my article in a recent American Rose Society newsletter? I wrote a small piece about starting a new garden. I also recently shared one of my favorite roses for beginners over here on the Safer Brand blog which was an honor to be included among such fine company! Upcoming, I will be teaching a short lesson on propagating roses at the next ABRRS meeting in Asheville, July 10, 4pm-ish, Red Cross Building.
And now, some recent photos from the garden, some taken with my old camera before it went off to it’s new home and many from my phone. If you have any questions about the plants seen here please do not hesitate to ask. I’ve been told that the wide angle shots are appreciated so I’m including those, too, but keep in mind this garden is still very much a work in progress!
Happy Summer!
Absolutely stunning!! Can you tell me what the small plants are that edge the curved border between the rose cages and running in front of the martin house? They look like little kale plants, but I’m guessing that’s not what they are. Your garden is just so lovely. Love the painted beds and shed. Wish I could wander through and have you tell me about every plant.
Karen you are so kind! Thank you! I think the little plants you are referring to are the boxwood ‘Vardar Valley’.
Looks beautiful Laurie!
Okay, so what are the roses….the first five that are pictured? I cannot believe how much has filled in already! And how big your rose rootings already are! Looks so wonderful and happy!
Thank you Holly! Most days it looks like just a big ol’ mulch pile to me.
OK so the rose at the very top is ‘Zaide’ and then working our way down we have: ‘Munstead Wood’, ‘China Doll’, ‘Dark Desire’, ‘Ghislaine de Féligonde’, ‘Pomponella’, ‘Strawberry Hill’, ‘The Albrighton Rambler’ and ‘Hot Cocoa’. Hope you’re having a great week!
what is the name of the burgundy rose seventh from the top in the final set of photos? I had one like it once….bought it for my mom and left it when I moved. I would love to find another
Hi Deedy, that’s ‘Dark Desire’, a Kordes rose.
Absolutely gorgeous, Laurie. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you for being here, Anne!
Just lovely
I am new to your blog and just love roses. Living in the Lehigh VAlley in Eastern PA, however, means hot and very humid summers. Is there a way I can grow big, fragrant garden roses here? Mildew and yellow leaves are a problem here, as is stale air. Are there tough beauties out there for my garden?
Hi Christine, welcome! I am a former resident of Pennsylvania where I sometimes wondered if we were the blackspot capital of the world, so I understand completely. I have a post where I specifically mention some of the best roses for our climate (at least they were in my garden.) Click here to take you to that. I also have another post that I wrote that talks about some of my favorites overall, here’s a link for that one. Hope they help! Thanks for stopping in!